Children of God: A Novel Test | Final Test - Hard

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of God: A Novel Test | Final Test - Hard

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Ha'anala begins labor?

2. How does Supaari insult Hlavin?

3. What does Suukmel no longer know?

4. What do Tiyat Va'agardi and Kajpin VaMasna plan to do?

5. For what is Emilio training?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hlavin do by his twelfth year of rule?

2. How does Sofia begin to teach Issac and what does she realize about him?

3. What does Emilio do to avoid nightmares and what does he do when he sees himself dead?

4. What kind of analogy does Sean see in relation to the Runa and the Jana'ata?

5. At the end of his life, what does Danny say about the crew on Bruno and what he thinks about his destiny?

6. Why do Isaac and Ha'anala stay in a Jana'ata camp? What message does Ha'anala send Sofia?

7. Describe the fight between Supaari and Hlavin.

8. What does Sofia say about Isaac and his music when she is an old woman talking to Danny, Sean and John?

9. What does Laaks tell Emilio about Ha'anala and what is Emilio's response?

10. What do the crew see on Rakhat when Bruno enters orbit and what do they hear? What does Joseba say about it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Most protagonists are a mixture of admirable traits and character flaws, and Emilio is no exception.

1. Trace and analyze situations when Emilio demonstrates his anger and hopelessness. Give specific examples to illustrate your analysis.

2. Trace and analyze Emilio 's character flaws, and explain how they create a more complex and believable character. How do you think Emilio 's character flaws make some situations more difficult for him?

3. After analyzing Emilio 's strengths and weaknesses, decide if Russel is right in selecting Emilio to be the "hero" of the story. Is there anyone else who might have done a better job?

Essay Topic 2

CHILDREN OF GOD, like many, and perhaps a majority, of novels ends on a happy note. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think many (most?) people want what they perceive as a happy or good ending to a novel? Explain your opinion. Do you? Why or why? not?

2. What are three reasons to read fiction? Discuss each one in light of CHILDREN OF GOD and whether or not it fulfills all three, two or one of the reasons you mention. Give examples as to why CHILDREN OF GOD is or is not successful in fulfilling the reasons you discuss.

3. Do you think reading solely for entertainment is as good a reason to read as any other? Why or why not? Can any work of fiction or non-fiction, no matter how poorly written, enlighten, teach, stimulate thought? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss one of the following:

1. Trace and analyze the theme of manipulation and power in CHILDREN OF GOD. Consider the following questions as you write: What characters are most concerned with manipulation and power? Why? What are some symbols of manipulation and power? Symbols of powerlessness? What characters seem powerless?

2. Trace and analyze the theme of genocide in CHILDREN OF GOD. Which characters seem to accept that genocide is sometimes necessary? Why? Which characters seem opposed to genocide no matter what? Why? Which ones seem not to care one way or the other?

3. Trace and analyze the theme of death. Death happens on a scale that is almost incomprehensible with thousands of sentient beings being wiped out of existence. Does this inure a reader to the impact of death? When death is brought to a more individual level, such as in Rakhat, does it have a greater impact? How do the Jana'ata civilization seem to view death? What about the Runa?

(see the answer keys)

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