Children of God: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of God: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Sofia say God has used her?
(a) The Runas' freedom.
(b) To meet him when he returned.
(c) To take Ha'anala's baby.
(d) To give birth to Isaac.

2. What does the lander have in it when it lands near Ha'anala?
(a) Full of game to cook and eat.
(b) Firearms for hunting.
(c) Some plants that the Ja'na'atas can eat.
(d) Sofia and the Runa council.

3. What happens when Ha'anala begins labor?
(a) She is taken into the temple.
(b) A festive crowd gathers.
(c) An army appears.
(d) She passes out.

4. Who does Laaks acknowledge as his brother-in-law?
(a) Hlavin.
(b) Supaari.
(c) No one.
(d) Isaac.

5. What does Suukmel recall Ha'anala once saying?
(a) That Sofia is the Runa's savior and downfall.
(b) That Sofia is the Runa's savior.
(c) That Jana'ata, Runa, and Humans being children of one God who sees no differences.
(d) That Jana'ata and Runa have the same genetic background.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Puska?

2. Why does Emilio freeze when he sees Rukuei?

3. What does Danny accept?

4. What has happened to the Runa to make them excellent students?

5. What do Sofia's guides find when they arrive at the landing site?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the crew see on Rakhat when Bruno enters orbit and what do they hear? What does Joseba say about it?

2. Describe Nico's reaction to the music the Bruno picks up and how he and Emilio decide to be friends.

3. What does John believe about atheists, where did he learn this and what does he pray about Emilio and Rakhat?

4. What does Emilio do as Ha'anala dies and after she dies?

5. What does Sofia assume about Issac and what does she say to Emilio? How does she feel about her actions and the Jana'ata?

6. What does Suukmel recall about God and the three different species on Rakhat that Ha'anala told her?

7. How does Ha'anala feel about the lander coming in with food, what does she know about her future and what does she say she wants done with the children?

8. What does Sean want to know from Emilio as they talk of God on the Bruno and what does Sean say Emilio must do about his misfortune?

9. What angers Puska about Hlavin and what does she know about Ha'anala's fate?

10. What does Laaks tell Emilio about Ha'anala and what is Emilio's response?

(see the answer keys)

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