Children of God: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of God: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Franz Vanderhelst?
(a) The ship's physician.
(b) The ship's engineer.
(c) The CEO of the company who kidnaps Emilio.
(d) The ship's pilot.

2. How does Hlavin shun protocol when at the embassy?
(a) By talking about harmonics.
(b) By eating meat.
(c) By touching the Ambassador's wife.
(d) By not eating meat.

3. What does Sofia do with her observations on the Runa people?
(a) Shows them to Supaari.
(b) Transmits them to the ship.
(c) Write them in her laptop computer.
(d) Burns them when she is arrested.

4. What does the Pope believe of Sandoz?
(a) He is an object of Providence.
(b) He can work miracles with his hands.
(c) He should be allowed to leave the order.
(d) He is a saint.

5. For what does Sandoz exchange his linguistic skills?
(a) Nothing could ever make him feel secure again.
(b) A good retirement.
(c) Release from his vows.
(d) Security, sound analysis systems, and a research assistant.

6. What helps Sofia accept her fate without emotion?
(a) Her upbringing as a child.
(b) Her certainty that she is right.
(c) Her faith in God.
(d) She is actually very emotional.

7. Who are the Runa?
(a) The aliens who have overrun Rakhat.
(b) The only sentient being on Rakhat.
(c) The extinct species on Rakhat.
(d) The placid residents of Rakhat.

8. How does Supaari break tradition?
(a) He names his own daughter.
(b) He chants to his daughter.
(c) He eats at the same table as Sofia.
(d) He speaks to the Runa in their own language.

9. What does Emilio tell Gina is wrong for him?
(a) Celibacy.
(b) Sex with women.
(c) Sex with men.
(d) Monogamy.

10. With whom is Gina in love?
(a) No one.
(b) Antonio.
(c) Emilio.
(d) Carlo.

11. What is Emilio doing by August?
(a) Taking care of himself.
(b) Looking for some way of earning a living.
(c) On a hunger strike.
(d) Speaking of his experiences on Rakhat to groups around the world.

12. Who is Jholaa?
(a) Hlavin's sister.
(b) Hlavin's daughter.
(c) Hlavin's protector.
(d) Hlavin's wife.

13. In whom is Hlavin interested?
(a) Sofia.
(b) Suukmel Chirot u Vaadai's daughter.
(c) Suukmel Chirot u Vaadai.
(d) Elli'nal Va:alkirn.

14. Who is Kinsai?
(a) The person Supaair hires as a nursemaid.
(b) The chief of the Runa.
(c) Supaair's mother's husband.
(d) Sofia's best friend.

15. How is Emilio old enough for a Jesuit pension?
(a) By not taking into account lightspeed.
(b) Because he travels back in time on Rakhat.
(c) He wants a pension based upon years of service.
(d) He is almost 70 by earth years.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Behr advise Vincenzo Giuliani?

2. Who has killed the bounty hunter?

3. Who returns all the rich gifts Hlavin sends?

4. What will Carlo do if Emilio helps establish commerce?

5. For what is Emilio using voice recognition software?

(see the answer keys)

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