Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How will House Corrino defeat House Atreides?

2. What does Farad'n want to restore House Corrino to?

3. What is the Typhoon Struggle?

4. What is Lady Jessica frequently referred to as?

5. Where are The Preacher and Tariq headed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the first lesson that Lady Jessica teaches Farad'n.

2. What plan does Alia propose to Ghanima while holding her captive? What is Ghanima's response? How does Irulan respond to their plan?

3. How is it that Sabiha and Leto have both come to be at Shuloch again?

4. Why does Ghanima hate Farad'n so much? Are her feelings warranted? Why or why not?

5. Jessica and Idaho have a conversation regarding the current circumstances with Farad'n, Arakis, Alia, and Ghanima. They know that their conversation is being overheard. Does this change the things they choose to say to each other? Jessica believes this could be the reason for some of the things Idaho says. He has been aligned with at least two different characters, so who does he truly serve? Is he saying things for Farad'n's benefit, or does he mean the things he says about Jessica and House Atreides?

6. Why does Leto tell Muriz he is the son of Muad'Dib? Why does he force him to become wadqiuyas (blood brothers)?

7. Farad'n learns of everything Princess Wensicia has done on his behalf. How does he react to the political game? How does he feel about his growing place in history?

8. Who does Halleck discover is truly behind Leto's capture? What does he do as a result?

9. What has Bene Gesserit training done to Farad'n? When does Jessica declare it time for his graduation?

10. What transpires between Idaho and Alia when he returns to her?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The spice production on Arakis is a monopoly that keeps the House in power. The House that controls the spice production will rule Arakis and have a great deal of power across all the worlds. What is a monopoly? How does having a spice monopoly give the controlling House power? Can you think of real world examples of monopolies that are comparable to spice production on Arakis?

Essay Topic 2

The author first introduces the idea of Farad'n and Ghanima being joined as part of a political plot - one that he is in favor of and she is not. However, we come to learn that the marriage between Farad'n and Ghanima could have long reaching positive effects on the Empire. What are they? Discuss the impact this union would have locally (on Arakis) and across the Empire.

Essay Topic 3

Describe the events that take place at the end of the book and how the story concludes for each character. Are the characters where they anticipated being? Why or why not? Discuss each character's place at the end of the story in detail.

(see the answer keys)

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