Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Leto find and allow to cover him in the sand?
(a) Sandtrout.
(b) Sandfleas.
(c) None of these.
(d) Sandworms.

2. What does Jessica offer Farad'n?
(a) Bene Gesserit training.
(b) Herself as a bride.
(c) Atreides war training.
(d) Alia as a bride.

3. How does Leto escape Jacurutu?
(a) He puts Galleck to sleep with hypnosis.
(b) He waits until Galleck is sleeping and sneaks away.
(c) He puts Sabiha to sleep with hypnosis.
(d) He knocks Sabiha unconscious.

4. Who reports that Jessica is training Farad'n to Alia?
(a) Ghanima.
(b) Irulan.
(c) Duncan Idaho.
(d) Stilgar.

5. What does Lady Jessica wear when coming to teach Farad'n for the first time?
(a) A Reverend Mother's black hooded cloak with Harkonnen symbols.
(b) A Reverend Mother's black hooded cloak with Corrino symbols.
(c) A Reverend Mother's black hooded cloak with Arakis symbols.
(d) A Reverend Mother's black hooded cloak with Atreides symbols.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lady Jessica frequently referred to as?

2. What does Leto call his visions of the future?

3. Where does Leto arrive with Muriz?

4. Who does Leto envision sharing his future with?

5. How does Leto know the lifeless rock (Jacurutu) could sustain life?

Short Essay Questions

1. Farad'n learns of everything Princess Wensicia has done on his behalf. How does he react to the political game? How does he feel about his growing place in history?

2. The decision for Ghanima and Leto to follow Leto's vision was a difficult one. After they have been separated, we find out that Leto did not tell Ghanima the whole of his vision. What did he not tell her? What does Leto need to do?

3. What bad news does Alia receive in her temple while it is still thought that Leto is dead and she holds Ghanima captive?

4. How does Leto leave Jacurutu? Where does he go and why?

5. How does Leto convince The Preacher of who he is?

6. Why won't Leto allow Paul to wander in the desert to die?

7. What has Bene Gesserit training done to Farad'n? When does Jessica declare it time for his graduation?

8. Who does Halleck discover is truly behind Leto's capture? What does he do as a result?

9. What does Leto allow to cover him in the sand? Why?

10. What does Leto accomplish by summoning both Gurney Halleck and Namri and speaking to them about his visions? Who does he vow to cooperate with?

(see the answer keys)

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