Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Children of Dune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is House Corrino located?
(a) Salusa Secundus.
(b) Arakis.
(c) Agamemnon.
(d) Dune.

2. How will House Corrino defeat House Atreides?
(a) Through open war.
(b) By introducing traitors into their society.
(c) Through secret attacks and abductions.
(d) By introducing stress into their society.

3. What does Farad'n go to the library to do?
(a) Find his hidden plans.
(b) Study Atreides history.
(c) Study Corrino history.
(d) Study Arakis' ecology.

4. What will Ghanima do if she is betrothed to Farad'n?
(a) Kill herself.
(b) Refuse to live with him.
(c) None of these.
(d) Kill him.

5. Who reports that Jessica is training Farad'n to Alia?
(a) Stilgar.
(b) Irulan.
(c) Ghanima.
(d) Duncan Idaho.

6. Where are The Preacher and Tariq headed?
(a) Corrino.
(b) Tabr.
(c) Jacurutu.
(d) Shuloch.

7. What does Paul ask Leto to allow him to do?
(a) None of these.
(b) Maintain his guise at The Preacher.
(c) Join his Golden Path.
(d) Wander into the desert to die.

8. What does Halleck learn from Namri?
(a) Jessica is coming to see Leto herself.
(b) Jessica has asked them to kill Leto.
(c) Alia is a prisoner on Salusa with House Corrino.
(d) Jessica is a prisoner on Salusa with House Corrino.

9. Who does Leto discover is doing Lady Jessica's bidding by capturing him?
(a) Sabiha.
(b) Stilgar.
(c) Gurney Halleck.
(d) Muriz.

10. How does Leto know the lifeless rock (Jacurutu) could sustain life?
(a) He sees worm traps.
(b) He finds water purification systems.
(c) All of these.
(d) He sees a windtrap.

11. Who does battle during one of Leto's forced spice trips?
(a) Alia and Ghanima.
(b) Stilgar and Galleck.
(c) Duke Leto I and Baron Harkonnen.
(d) Muad'Dib and Baron Harkonnen.

12. What has Farad'n ceased to be by becoming Bene Gesserit?
(a) Prince.
(b) None of these.
(c) Ghanima's future husband.
(d) Corrino.

13. What does Farad'n want to restore House Corrino to?
(a) House Atreides Throne.
(b) Arakis' Regency.
(c) The Lion Throne.
(d) All of these.

14. Who does Ghanima blame and want retribution for Leto's death?
(a) Lady Jessica.
(b) Gurney Halleck.
(c) Alia.
(d) Farad'n.

15. What does Alia use to compose herself after receiving a lot of bad news?
(a) The Litany against Fear.
(b) Deep compulsion.
(c) She consults Baron Harkonnen.
(d) Spice Trance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Leto heading after the attack?

2. What does Idaho do once in an aircraft for Tabr?

3. Who does Idaho offer Jessica to?

4. What is Leto trapped by as he approaches Jacurutu?

5. What does Leto recall as he waits for night outside Jacurutu?

(see the answer keys)

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