Childhood's End Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Childhood's End Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the invaders need to watch George Greggson's and Jean Morrel's children?
(a) Because they are becoming dangerous to their parents.
(b) Because they are becoming dangerous to the invaders.
(c) Because they are a danger to each other.
(d) Because they are taking on inhuman characteristics.

2. What does Jennifer Greggson spend all her time doing?
(a) Levitating.
(b) Talking.
(c) Daydreaming.
(d) Sleeping.

3. Where does Karellen send one of his fellow invaders?
(a) To Mars Hill.
(b) To Athens.
(c) To Corinth.
(d) To Ephesus.

4. What do the aliens do while the children develop their powers?
(a) Mingle with the children.
(b) Select the less-intelligent children for extermination.
(c) Observe from space.
(d) Tutor the children.

5. What does Jan Rodricks see has happened to the children of Earth?
(a) They have taken on the appearance of the invaders.
(b) They have all been located together on one continent.
(c) They have been scattered to all the continents of Earth.
(d) They all look identical.

6. What comes as a warning prior to the tsunami?
(a) Police going door-to-door.
(b) A television broadcast.
(c) A telepathic warning from the invaders.
(d) A siren.

7. What do the aliens do with the children in Chapter 21?
(a) Unite them with their parents.
(b) Vaccinate them.
(c) Put them in suspended animation.
(d) Evacuate them.

8. According to Karellen, what will humans develop?
(a) The ability to travel at warp speed.
(b) Telepathic abilities.
(c) A form of energy the higher power can feed from.
(d) Immortality.

9. What is unique about the island George Greggson and Jean Morrel visit?
(a) It is a colony made up of astronomers.
(b) It is a colony made up of zoologists.
(c) It is a colony made up of professors.
(d) It is a colony made up of artists.

10. What is the name of George Greggson's daughter?
(a) Jennifer Anne.
(b) Carol Anne.
(c) Pepper Anne.
(d) Elizabeth Anne.

11. What do the remaining people on New Athens do after the aliens take action with their children?
(a) Dissolve into mass warfare.
(b) Decide how to live the rest of their lives.
(c) Plot how to rescue their children.
(d) Band together to defeat the aliens.

12. What is the name of George Greggson's oldest son?
(a) Joey.
(b) Jeremy.
(c) Jeffrey.
(d) George.

13. What do George Greggson and Jean Morrel see Jeffrey Greggson doing as the invaders take action with the children in Chapter 21?
(a) Escaping from the aliens.
(b) Boarding the ship.
(c) Carrying his sister.
(d) Being carried by Karellen.

14. Why did the invaders build Utopia?
(a) To give people an appreciation for freedom.
(b) To squelch human curiousity.
(c) To divert people from their doomed future.
(d) As an experiment to see how humans would exist in a perfect world.

15. What is Jan Rodricks not allowed to photograph?
(a) The inside of an invader's home.
(b) A mountain surrounded by a strange ring of light.
(c) The alien-spacecraft launch site.
(d) Alien children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it that Jeffrey Greggson no longer needs as he seems to be changing into another life form?

2. Who is Thanthalteresco?

3. What does Karellen decide to do as the end of civilization approaches?

4. What are the children involved in that lasts almost a year?

5. What does Jan Rodricks come to realize after his return to Earth from the aliens' planet?

(see the answer keys)

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