Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Final Test - Hard

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Final Test - Hard

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the Wehrmacht bomb the railroad bridge through Burg Strasse?

2. Once Alfons entered "real action," what was the goal of he and his fellow pilots?

3. Which of the following statements about Monika Mohn is false?

4. Rather than shoot a hostage, what did the French do with Alfons?

5. At the beginning of Chapter 10, what significant event happened in Alfons's life?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Alfons describe the sentence he received, and the work orders from the French?

2. How was Alfons finally discovered as a German officer?

3. What occurred while Alfons was with his family for Christmas?

4. What was the difference between the way the Americans treated prisoners of war, and the way they were treated along the Eastern front?

5. What was Alfons's assignment following his orders to retreat from the Westwall?

6. When did Alfons meet Hitler and observe that he looked older and frail?

7. What was the purpose of Dr. Robert Ley's visit?

8. What did Hitler mean when he told the Hitler Youth leaders that the Hitler Youth was his "purest creation"?

9. What did Franz believe about the Bolsheviks, the Americans, and the British?

10. At the beginning of Chapter 7, what promotion did Alfons receive, and why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Naturally, when the Americans entered the War, Alfons developed contempt for them because they stood in the way of Germany's victory. Over the years, both during the war and following Germany's defeat, Alfons had several encounters with Americans. Describe a minimum of three encounters that Alfons had with Americans and how those encounters influenced his perception of the Americans.

Essay Topic 2

Alfons described the boundaries that the Hitler Youth abided by when it came to women. Why did the Hitler Youth maintain these boundaries? What do you think would have happened if Alfons had fallen in love with Hanna, the farmhand? What choices would he have had to make, and how would these choices have influenced his future?

Essay Topic 3

Alfons described the children of 1930s Germany. They were influenced to follow Hitler from an early age. In what ways did Hitler take advantage of the children's impressionable minds? How did this early influence affect the children as they developed into young adults and then for some into post-war adults?

(see the answer keys)

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