Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occurred as a result of the Battle of the Bulge?
(a) Most of Alfons' men were killed.
(b) The Luftwaffe finally claimed Alfons.
(c) 400 German planes were destroyed.
(d) Alfons was once again passed over for the Luftwaffe.

2. What was the first thing Alfons needed to do when he arrived in Wittlich?
(a) Train the newly drafted soldiers.
(b) Encourage the men in his unit.
(c) Discipline men who had been insubordinate.
(d) Recruit more men.

3. Hitler refused his commanders' pleas to fall back, and when they finally prevailed, what had happened?
(a) Hundreds of irreplaceable men died.
(b) Although some men had died, they managed to protect their armored vehicles.
(c) Tens of thousands of irreplaceable men had died.
(d) The Germans had lost many men, while the Allies had very few casualties.

4. Which of the following people did not survive the War?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Uncle Gustav.
(c) Uncle Franz.
(d) Gert.

5. When a soldier stopped Alfons to ask him a question, how did Alfons respond to him?
(a) In English.
(b) He refused to speak to him.
(c) In German.
(d) He surrendered to the soldier.

6. Once Alfons entered "real action," what was the goal of he and his fellow pilots?
(a) To learn how to pinpoint land a plane for the first time.
(b) To get loads of weapons and supplies across enemy fire.
(c) To get a load of men across enemy fire and land them anywhere.
(d) To get acquainted with their fellow pilots, because loyalty was important.

7. Which of the following was true of Alfons's men?
(a) They lied to him.
(b) They defied him.
(c) They deserted him.
(d) They obeyed him.

8. What significant event in the life of Alfons's family occurred on Christmas?
(a) His grandmother died.
(b) They had to be dug out of a pile of rubble following a massive Allied bomber raid.
(c) Alfons chose loyalty to the Natzis over loyalty to his family.
(d) They all died, following an Allied bomber raid in Wittlich.

9. Alfons received orders to do what?
(a) Step down from his position of leadership.
(b) Retreat with his men.
(c) Shoot any men in his unit who did not obey his commands.
(d) Join the Luftwaffe.

10. What did Dr. Robert Ley communicate when he visited Alfons's men?
(a) American tanks broke through the Westwall the previous night.
(b) Germany had lost the war.
(c) It was time to go home.
(d) The men would have to push forward more aggressively at Westwall.

11. Why did Alfons's Aunt burn his uniform and other items that might suggest he was a Hitler Youth?
(a) So that other Hitler Youth would not come there to hide out.
(b) She wais ashamed of Alfons' involvement in Germany's defeat.
(c) She was angry, and did not want to remember Germany's losses.
(d) So the Americans would not know he was a German officer.

12. Although the Americans seemed to trust Alfons, what did they order him to do?
(a) Go to a P.O.W. camp.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Try to escape so that, if caught, they had a legitimate reason to kill him.
(d) Turn himself in to the next unit who came through town.

13. When some of the boys tried to desert the unit, how did Alfons respond?
(a) He let them go, because they were obviously not equipped to fight.
(b) He was patient, because he, too, was anxious about the war.
(c) He dealt harshly with them, despite their young age.
(d) He showed them no mercy, and killed them on the spot.

14. Who did Alfons realize probably saved his life?
(a) A Luftwaffe major.
(b) His grandmother.
(c) His men.
(d) The Americans.

15. When one of Alfons's men deserted, how did Alfons respond?
(a) Although he was authorized to shoot him, he didn't have the will to do so.
(b) He had pity on him.
(c) He pretended not to notice, because he didn't want to shoot him.
(d) He shot him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Alfons spend Christmas in 1944?

2. What did Leiwitz encourage Alfons not to do?

3. When Alfons was taken to a high position on the Westwall, what was he told?

4. What did Alfons do when over a dozen Sherman tanks arrived in Wittlich?

5. What experience caused Alfons to grow sick?

(see the answer keys)

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