Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of Hitler: Germany in the Days When God Wore a Swastika Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alfons Heck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was one complaint of Catholic parents with regard to the Hitler Youth?
(a) The Hitler Youth were not very obedient.
(b) Senior Hitler Youth leaders did not respect their elders.
(c) The Hitler Youth were not very educated.
(d) Senior Hitler Youth leaders mocked religion.

2. In the winter of 1943, which of the following statements about Uncle Gustav was true?
(a) He was missing in action.
(b) He was called into action, but returned home immediately.
(c) He became very ill, and could not leave his bed.
(d) He became very angry about the war.

3. Unlike Hitler, the German people were not eager to go to war for what reason?
(a) They were afraid they would lose Hitler as their leader.
(b) They remembered the terrible slaughter of World War I.
(c) They didn't think the country was properly trained or equipped for war.
(d) They wanted to be a peaceful nation.

4. Which of the following statements about the fanfare and drum platoon is false?
(a) They practiced intensely and regularly.
(b) Alfons was never involved in these activities.
(c) They marched on Sunday mornings.
(d) They were awful musicians.

5. Which of the following statements best describes Alfons's leadership over his unit?
(a) The men in his unit matured slowly under his leadership.
(b) He loved the feeling of power, and he became a tough leader.
(c) He didn't expect the men to follow his orders 100% of the time.
(d) He was patient and understanding, because his men were young.

6. When the Jews were forced to leave Wittlich, to where did they think they were being sent?
(a) To Poland, to make Germany "clean of Jews."
(b) They thought they would all be killed before they reached their destination to make Germany "clean of Jews."
(c) To detention centers.
(d) To concentration camps.

7. Where was Alfons Heck born?
(a) America.
(b) France.
(c) Wittlich, Germany.
(d) Oberhausen, Germany.

8. The Soviet Forces pushed the Nazis deep into where?
(a) Poland.
(b) France.
(c) Hungary.
(d) The Ukraine.

9. When the borders were reassigned, what were the men told to do?
(a) Dig a trench.
(b) Train up to 14 hours per day.
(c) Wait patiently for further instruction.
(d) Go home, because they were no longer needed.

10. With whom did Alfons develop a friendly competition to move up in the ranks?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Fritz.
(c) Manfred.
(d) Gert.

11. When the concentration camps first began, what was their purpose?
(a) They were detention centers for political enemies.
(b) They were a place where Jews could start businesses and work together.
(c) They were temporary holding cells for Jews until they submitted to Hitler's rule.
(d) They were a place for Jews to live peacefully outside of Hitler rule.

12. By 1938, which of the following statements about the Gestapo was false?
(a) It could not be controlled by the regular judicial system.
(b) It was all-powerful.
(c) People obeyed and complied with the Gestapo.
(d) No one respected the Gestapo, and therefore it was not effective.

13. Why did the Allied bombings never shake the morale of the German people?
(a) The radio and newspapers said it was almost over.
(b) They knew they had a strong plan in place to retaliate.
(c) Few people believed the Allied forces would dare to approach them on land.
(d) They thought they would give up eventually.

14. Many people avoided discussions about the possibility of war, including in the Gymnasium. Despite this, what occurred over time?
(a) Over half of Alfons's classmates were killed before they reached the age of 18.
(b) Alfons' classmates became excited and eager to experience war.
(c) Alfons' classmates became anxious about the possibility of war.
(d) The Gymnasium became a place of disorder.

15. Where was the enemy when Paris fell on August 25th?
(a) A mere 100 kilometers west, 20 minutes flying time.
(b) Headed in another direction.
(c) A mere 300 kilometers west, 45 minutes flying time.
(d) 1000 kilometers west, allowing for sufficient time to prepare.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Manfred invite Alfons to do?

2. Which of the following people were allowed to join the Jungvolk, the Hitler Youth's junior branch?

3. Which of the following statements about Roman Follman is true?

4. As the war began, the unease held by the German people disappeared with the success of what?

5. Which statement accurately summarizes Chapter 1 of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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