Child of God Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of God Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ballard mix with the squirrels to make a stew?
(a) Turnips
(b) Potatoes
(c) Carrots
(d) Lard

2. How many wrist watches is Ballard trying to sell?
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Three

3. What is the only thing different about the car when Ballard returns to later in the day?
(a) The radio is turned back on
(b) The motor has stopped running
(c) It is gone
(d) It is empty

4. What is the last thing that Ballard carries to his new cave?
(a) His mattress
(b) His cookware
(c) His clothing
(d) A corpse

5. Why does Ballard abruptly stop having sex with the dead girl?
(a) It starts to rain heavily
(b) He hears the truck drive away
(c) He is caught by the police
(d) He cannot maintain an erection

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Ballard ask the group of men for all of his watches?

2. Where is Ralph when Ballard shows up at his house?

3. What season is setting in in Chapter 39 (pp. 136-137)?

4. What food does Ballard buy in the general store on the other side of the mountain?

5. What does Ballard blame for the burning down of his house?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what state is the town in this section?

2. How does Ballard subsist as the harsh winter descends?

3. Describe the story Fate tells about the 1899 hanging.

4. How does Ballard's situation change in this section?

5. What imaginary conversations does Ballard have in the woods?

6. How is Ballard spooked by his own footprints?

7. What does Ballard find in the running car on the side of the road?

8. Why does Ballard return several times to the idling car?

9. Why does Ballard decide to move the dead girl's body to an upper room?

10. Describe the inside of Ballard's cave.

(see the answer keys)

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