Child of God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ballard run into while in town?
(a) C.B.
(b) The Sleeping Woman
(c) Greer
(d) The Sheriff

2. Where does Ballard leave his rifle before going into the town on the other side of the mountain?
(a) In a tree
(b) Inside some bushes
(c) In the undercarriage of an abandoned car
(d) Under a bridge

3. What does Lester Ballard do while having sex with the dead girl?
(a) Laughs
(b) Cries
(c) Sings along with the radio
(d) Whispers in her ear

4. What does Ballard mix with the squirrels to make a stew?
(a) Potatoes
(b) Carrots
(c) Turnips
(d) Lard

5. What is the first thing that Lester Ballard does after returning home with the body?
(a) Makeses lunch
(b) Undress her
(c) Chops firewood
(d) Sleeps

6. What is Ballard approaching a the beginning of Chapter 43 (pp. 149-153)?
(a) His cave
(b) Greer's house
(c) The police station
(d) A pickup truck

7. How much money does Ballard eventually get for all of his watches?
(a) Twenty-one dollars
(b) Fourteen dollars
(c) Seventeen dollars
(d) Eight dollars

8. To what does the narrator compare the bodies that Ballard has arranged deep in his cave?
(a) Egyptian sarcophagi
(b) Dead saints
(c) Sleeping campers
(d) Speed bumps

9. How are the two dead people in the car positioned when Ballard discovers them?
(a) They lie in a spooning position in the back
(b) The man lies on top of the woman
(c) The are seated next to each other in the front seats
(d) The woman is straddling the man

10. What does Ballard do in the Spring?
(a) Wanders the woods naked
(b) Plants some tomatoes
(c) Buries some of his bodies
(d) Covers his tracks

11. What is the last thing that Ballard carries to his new cave?
(a) His cookware
(b) A corpse
(c) His clothing
(d) His mattress

12. According to the grocer, how long will it take Ballard to pay off his debt at the present rate?
(a) 105 years
(b) 131 years
(c) 94 years
(d) 178 years

13. What does Ballard blame for the burning down of his house?
(a) Cigarette left lit
(b) Sparks from the chimney
(c) The police lighting it purposefully
(d) Brush fire outside

14. Which star cluster does Ballard look upon from his cave after returning to the mountain?
(a) Cygnus
(b) Orion
(c) Pleiades
(d) Cassiopeia

15. Which of the following is not something that Ballard does to the woman's body the night after his shopping excursion?
(a) Brushes her hair
(b) Puts lipstick on her
(c) Dresses her up
(d) Washes her with hot water

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Ralph's daughter when Ballard shoots her?

2. From what group did the White Caps splinter?

3. Where is Ralph when Ballard shows up at his house?

4. What does Ballard ask Ralph's daughter to do?

5. Where does Ballard go the morning after his shack burns?

(see the answer keys)

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