Child of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the child do to Ballard's gift?
(a) Smashes it
(b) Sets it free
(c) Snaps its neck
(d) Chews its legs off

2. Who punched Lester Ballard unconscious at the auction?
(a) C.B.
(b) Sheriff Wade
(c) Buster
(d) Greer

3. Where does the auctioneer give his pitch?
(a) A stack of hay bales
(b) The bed of a truck
(c) The front porch of the house
(d) A makeshift stage

4. What dry, tasteless food does Ballard cook over an open flame in his shack in Chapter 21(pp. 66-67)?
(a) Wild mushrooms
(b) Green beans
(c) Connbread
(d) Potatoes

5. What charge does the Sleeping Woman want to file against Ballard?
(a) Rape
(b) Attempted Murder
(c) Assault
(d) Harrassment

6. To what does McCarthy compare Darfuzzle and Ballard squatting on the porch?
(a) Toads
(b) Gorillas
(c) Gargoyles
(d) Umpires

7. What is the first prize that Ballard wins at the fair?
(a) A goldfish
(b) A toy guitar
(c) A teddy bear
(d) A stuffed tiger

8. What is the sleeping woman wearing when Ballard finds her?
(a) A gown
(b) Pajamas
(c) Nothing
(d) A sweatsuit

9. In Chapter 12 (pp. 35-36), how does Ballard remove the cow's head?
(a) An axe
(b) A baseball bat
(c) A saw
(d) A tractor

10. Which of the following is listed as Lester Ballard's lineage?
(a) Scottish and Navajo
(b) Celtic and Negro
(c) Saxon and Celtic
(d) Cherokee and Negro

11. What does Lester Ballard kick one night that hurts his foot?
(a) A dog
(b) A rock
(c) The house
(d) A car

12. Where does Ballard's friend's daughter go when she leaves the house?
(a) Ballard's friend's truck
(b) The outhouse
(c) The bus
(d) The woods

13. Why can't Fred Kirby find his jar of whiskey?
(a) He was drunk when he hid it
(b) He has a wide selection of jars with clear liquid in them
(c) The rain buried it over in mud
(d) He is blind

14. What noise keeps Lester Ballard awake at night?
(a) Passing cars
(b) Howling dogs
(c) Chirping crickets
(d) Shouting of teenagers in the woods

15. What words does John sing from his cell regularly?
(a) Fly home
(b) Swing low
(c) Oh Lordie
(d) No woman

Short Answer Questions

1. According to CB, what might not be worth fifty cents in a year?

2. What heavy object does Lester lug up to his new house on the first day?

3. How much money does the blonde daughter demand of Ballard to show him her breasts?

4. Under what animal does the Thantham boy build a fire?

5. What does Ballard offer to show the Sheriff when they take him away?

(see the answer keys)

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