The Cherry Orchard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cherry Orchard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who arrives at the estate near the end of Act II?
(a) Gaev.
(b) Dunyasha.
(c) A beggar asking for money.
(d) The Countess.

2. In Act II, Lyubov details where she has been before the start of the play. Where does she say she has returned from?
(a) Paris.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Krakow.
(d) London.

3. What does Lyubov give to the stranger who passes through in Act II?
(a) A gold coin.
(b) A kopek.
(c) A basket of cherries.
(d) A silver coin.

4. To whom does Lyubov want Lopakhin to marry?
(a) Varya.
(b) Gaev.
(c) Lyubov.
(d) Anya.

5. Who gets into an argument with Trofimov in Act II?
(a) Varya.
(b) Lopakhin.
(c) Lyubov.
(d) Anya.

6. Who intends to pay the musicians at the end of Act III?
(a) Varya.
(b) Lyubov.
(c) Lopakhin.
(d) Gaev.

7. What does Firs refer to as "the troubles" during Act II?
(a) World War I.
(b) The Emancipation.
(c) The onset of Communism.
(d) World War II.

8. Who begins to weep after the sound is heard in the distance in Act II?
(a) Firs.
(b) Varya.
(c) Anya.
(d) Lyubov.

9. Who is mentioned as being "prepared to buy the estate" at auction?
(a) Lopakhin.
(b) Lyubov.
(c) Deriganov.
(d) Yasha.

10. Which character says, "If you run with the pack, you can bark or not, but at least wag your tail"?
(a) Pishchik.
(b) Charlotta.
(c) Lyubov.
(d) Trofimov.

11. What can Varya not live without?
(a) Work.
(b) The cherry orchard.
(c) Love.
(d) Anya.

12. What effect comes from having the railway closer to the estate?
(a) It means that Gaev can travel to and from work.
(b) It will be easier to lease out summer cottages.
(c) It will make selling the cherries more convenient.
(d) It means that Lyubov can marry the stationmaster.

13. What does Lyubov collapses into at the end of Act III?
(a) A chair.
(b) The floor.
(c) Trofimov.
(d) Anya.

14. What is Lyubov doing at the end of Act III?
(a) Dancing.
(b) Weeping.
(c) Singing.
(d) Magic tricks.

15. What does Yepikhodov break in Act III?
(a) The bookcase.
(b) A billiard ball.
(c) A billiard cue.
(d) A table.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Firs say that the late master treated everyone with for illness?

2. What does Trofimov claim Lyubov's lover has done?

3. What animal is Pishchik compared to in Act III?

4. At what time of day does Act II take place?

5. Which character leads Lopakhin from the drawing room in Act III?

(see the answer keys)

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