The Cherry Orchard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cherry Orchard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who attempts to kiss Charlotta's hand but is denied in Act I?
(a) Lopakhin.
(b) Yasha.
(c) Gayev.
(d) Anya.

2. Who is the footman that Anya describes in Act I?
(a) Yasha.
(b) Pischik.
(c) Firs.
(d) Trofimov.

3. How far is Lyubov's estate from the town?
(a) 13 miles.
(b) 22 miles.
(c) 3 miles.
(d) 6 miles.

4. What time is the train that Lopakhin is catching in Act I?
(a) 4:00.
(b) 5:00.
(c) 7:00.
(d) 2:00.

5. What does Charlotta say her dog eats in Act I?
(a) Potatoes.
(b) Nuts.
(c) Cat food.
(d) Steak.

6. By what nickname does Yasha call Dunyasha in Act I?
(a) Little Turnip.
(b) Little Cucumber.
(c) Little Potato.
(d) Little Tomato.

7. How old was Lopakhin when Lyubov helped him alleviate an injury, according to his narrative in Act I?
(a) 15.
(b) 5.
(c) 9.
(d) 12.

8. What game does Gayev repeatedly talk about in the play?
(a) Dominos.
(b) Bridge.
(c) Billiards.
(d) Poker.

9. How long ago does Gayev say the bookcase was made in Act I?
(a) 100 years ago.
(b) 150 years ago.
(c) 50 years ago.
(d) 200 years ago.

10. What does Yepikhodov carry with him when he enters in Act I?
(a) A chair.
(b) A bouquet.
(c) A basket of fruit.
(d) A box of candy.

11. Where does Anya say she does not want to go in Act I?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Yaroslav.
(c) Paris.
(d) London.

12. What is noted about Firs in Act I?
(a) He is leaving the estate.
(b) He does not hear well.
(c) He is obstinate.
(d) He can no longer drive.

13. What does Yepikhodov ask Lopakhin for advice on in Act I?
(a) His jacket.
(b) His boots.
(c) His ring.
(d) His proposal.

14. What color is Lyubov's bedroom?
(a) Violet.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

15. What does the person who takes Lyubov's pills in Act I do with them?
(a) Stomps on them.
(b) Throws them in the fireplace.
(c) Swallows them.
(d) Throws them out the door.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the brooch of that Anya wears home in Act I?

2. What noise does Anya complain about as she retires to bed in Act I?

3. How late was the arrival of the train that Lyubov and her entourage took home?

4. What does Gayev repeatedly put into his mouth?

5. What color is Anya's bedroom?

(see the answer keys)

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