Lyuba Andreyevna Ranevsky - This is the main character of the play, and the owner of the estate and cherry orchard until it is sold at auction.
Anya Ranevsky - This character is the 17-year-old daughter to the owner of the estate.
Varya Ranevsky - This is the adopted daughter of the main character. She is 24 years old and very pious.
Leonid (lay-oh-NEED) Gayev (GUY-ev) - This character is the brother of the owner of the estate. He is obsessed with billiards and talks incessantly.
Boris Simeonov-Pishchik (seem-YOH-nov-PEE-shik) - This character is a landowner who is constantly in debt and asking to borrow money.
Dunyasha (doon-YA-sha) - This character is the maid at the estate.
Firs (feers) - This character is the family's faithful servant who is 87 years old.
Charlotte Ivanovna (ee-VAN-ov-na) - This character, nicknamed "Little Cucumber," performs magic tricks and works as a governess...
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