The Cherry Orchard Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cherry Orchard Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Lyuba Andreyevna Ranevsky - This is the main character of the play, and the owner of the estate and cherry orchard until it is sold at auction. Anya Ranevsky - This character is the 17-year-old daughter to the owner of the estate. Varya Ranevsky - This is the adopted daughter of the main character. She is 24 years old and very pious. Leonid (lay-oh-NEED) Gayev (GUY-ev) - This character is the brother of the owner of the estate. He is obsessed with billiards and talks incessantly. Boris Simeonov-Pishchik (seem-YOH-nov-PEE-shik) - This character is a landowner who is constantly in debt and asking to borrow money. Dunyasha (doon-YA-sha) - This character is the maid at the estate. Firs (feers) - This character is the family's faithful servant who is 87 years old. Charlotte Ivanovna (ee-VAN-ov-na) - This character, nicknamed "Little Cucumber," performs magic tricks and works as a governess...

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