Cheri and The Last of Cheri Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cheri and The Last of Cheri Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Madame Peloux tell Lea about Cheri?
(a) He is happy at home.
(b) He never wants to see her again.
(c) He is devastated without her.
(d) He will return to her soon.

2. What time of day is it when Cheri returns once more to Lea's home?
(a) Sunrise.
(b) Noon.
(c) Sunset.
(d) Midnight.

3. Why does Cheri tell Lea he must leave?
(a) To buy her some pearls.
(b) To keep a business appointment.
(c) To return to Edmee.
(d) To see a dentist.

4. What is the name of Desmond's new bar?
(a) Desmond's.
(b) Lea's.
(c) Sobriete.
(d) Cheri's.

5. Who does Madame Peloux make an appointment to see?
(a) Desmond.
(b) Lea.
(c) Madame Lili.
(d) Dr. Arnaud.

Short Answer Questions

1. What topic does Cheri confront his mother on one night when he is feeling especially irritable?

2. From the window in which room does Lea watch Cheri leave?

3. For what organization does Edmee host another soiree?

4. With whom does Edmee work on many charity projects?

5. How does Desmond perceive Cheri to be now?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is ironic about the claims Lea makes about her age and the things that she is buying?

2. At this point, how long has it been since Cheri has seen Lea?

3. How does Madame Peloux try to keep Lea away from Cheri after his six-month stay with Desmond?

4. How does the author use irony at the end of CHERI when Lea tells Cheri to leave?

5. Why is Cheri strangely drawn to the pal?

6. What is Cheri doing as THE LAST OF CHERI begins?

7. How are Cheri and Edmee at odds over Edmee's charity work?

8. How does Cheri's ennui extend to his personal relationships?

9. Why does Cheri seem to be so unfocused and listless in his life?

10. After spending the night together, how do Lea's and Cheri's views of the relationship differ?

(see the answer keys)

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