Cheri and The Last of Cheri Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cheri and The Last of Cheri Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Cheri meet in a bar a couple weeks after seeing Lea again?
(a) Lea.
(b) The Pal.
(c) Desmond.
(d) Patron.

2. Lea reasons that two pastimes she could take up are knitting and _____________.
(a) Napping.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Gardening.
(d) Playing cards.

3. What topic does Cheri confront his mother on one night when he is feeling especially irritable?
(a) Encouraging Edmee to take a lover.
(b) Cutting him out of her will.
(c) Her and Edmee making financial decisions without consulting him.
(d) Her decision to buy a house next to his.

4. What does Madame Peloux tell Lea about Cheri?
(a) He is happy at home.
(b) He is devastated without her.
(c) He will return to her soon.
(d) He never wants to see her again.

5. Why is Cheri so drawn to the Pal?
(a) She serves the finest whiskey.
(b) She tells great stories.
(c) She has an opium den.
(d) She represents his old way of life.

6. How can Edmee's demeanor best be characterized now?
(a) Exuberant.
(b) Sullen.
(c) Assertive.
(d) Submissive.

7. For how many years have Cheri and Edmee been married at this point?
(a) 7.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 15.

8. Why does Cheri tell Lea he must leave?
(a) To return to Edmee.
(b) To buy her some pearls.
(c) To keep a business appointment.
(d) To see a dentist.

9. As Chapter 4 begins, Cheri is in a state of __________.
(a) Euphoria.
(b) Flux.
(c) Depression.
(d) Ennui.

10. Which of the following does Lea NOT give up in her life at this point?
(a) New lingerie.
(b) Manicures.
(c) Gambling.
(d) Massages.

11. What has Lea been formulating while Cheri slept?
(a) Plans for their life together.
(b) A party invitation list.
(c) A travel itinerary.
(d) Plans for a new house.

12. What color are Lea's eyes?
(a) Blue.
(b) Hazel.
(c) Green.
(d) Brown.

13. How does Cheri know that Edmee is going to bed?
(a) She is yawning uncontrollably.
(b) She is having chamomile tea.
(c) She is putting on night cream.
(d) He watches the lights in the house go out.

14. What is the one thing about Lea's appearance that pleases Cheri?
(a) She is wearing pearls.
(b) She has her hair styled attractively.
(c) She has beautiful makeup.
(d) She wears glasses.

15. How does Cheri feel about Lea's appearance when he visits her?
(a) Confused.
(b) Horrified.
(c) Pleased.
(d) Comforted.

Short Answer Questions

1. What occupies the majority of Edmee's time?

2. What does Cheri notice about Edmee?

3. Why does Desmond not have time to spend with Cheri anymore?

4. What does Cheri surmise Lea's mood to be when he visits?

5. Why does Edmee spend so much time at the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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