Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the focus of Chapter 13?
(a) The challenges Mother faced with each of her twelve pregnancies.
(b) A description of the personality of each Gilbreth child.
(c) A glimpse into the birth of each Gilbreth child.
(d) The similarities and differences between Mother and Dad.

2. Where did the family usually stay on their way to their vacation destination?
(a) In a small cottage beside the water.
(b) A hotel in New London, Connecticut.
(c) A hotel in Boston.
(d) Aunt Elinor's house.

3. Once the children became comfortable at their relatives' house, what was the environment like?
(a) The relatives were exhausted by the children, and bickered with one another constantly.
(b) The house was full of joy.
(c) The house was a mess.
(d) The house was noisy and chaotic.

4. What did Grandma Gilbreth give to the children to help them ward off illness?
(a) Vitamins.
(b) Bibles.
(c) Sweets.
(d) Camphor filled bags.

5. Where did the children have their tonsils taken out?
(a) At a large, prestigious hospital in Chicago.
(b) At a specialized clinic.
(c) In their home.
(d) At their Grandma Gilbreth's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the Gilbreth children visit Mother's relatives, how did they behave at first?

2. What was it about Dad's photography that scared the youngest Gilbreth children?

3. Which of the following was true about Aunt Anne?

4. Which of the following does the reader learn in Chapter 14?

5. What is the primary focus of Chapter 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the children needed to have their tonsils removed, whose tonsils were removed, even though they didn't need to be?

2. When Mother traveled alone with the children to visit her relatives in California, what challenges did she face?

3. In what condition were the children when Uncle Fred surprised them on the train, and how did he respond?

4. What event prompted the children to loosen up and behave as they normally would?

5. While the family was on summer vacation, what educational strategies did Dad employ?

6. When the children arrived at Mother's relatives' home, how did they behave initially?

7. How many of the children were born at home, and what was Mother's only concern about delivering them at home?

8. How did the children get along with Mother's relatives in California?

9. Where did Mother and Dad first meet, and how did he try to impress her?

10. Describe the incident when Dad fell overboard the boat.

(see the answer keys)

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