Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tried to teach the Gilbreth children where babies come from?
(a) Tom.
(b) Mother.
(c) Dad.
(d) Their friends at school.

2. What is the title of Chapter 13, "Have You Seen the Latest Model?" referring to?
(a) The newest child in the Gilbreth family.
(b) The new car Dad purchased when another child was born.
(c) A new machine in one of Dad's factories, which he was especially proud of.
(d) A toy truck that Frank, Jr. wanted for his birthday.

3. When the children got sick, what did Mother do?
(a) She left them alone to rest.
(b) She took the youngest children to her parent's house.
(c) She waited on them hand and foot.
(d) She prepared each child's favorite meal for them.

4. When a tea party was thrown for Mother, what was required of the children?
(a) They all had to take long naps before the guests arrived.
(b) They had to dress in formal clothes and sit still at the table.
(c) They had to dress in fine, uncomfortable clothes, and wait in the garden.
(d) They had to go play at the neighbor's house until the guests were gone.

5. What was the name of the boat Dad purchased?
(a) The Rena.
(b) The Lillian.
(c) The Gilbreth.
(d) The Sailor.

6. At the time when Mother traveled with the children, how many children were in the Gilbreth family?
(a) Ten.
(b) Seven.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Three.

7. Where did the family usually stay on their way to their vacation destination?
(a) A hotel in New London, Connecticut.
(b) A hotel in Boston.
(c) In a small cottage beside the water.
(d) Aunt Elinor's house.

8. Where did the children have their tonsils taken out?
(a) At a large, prestigious hospital in Chicago.
(b) In their home.
(c) At a specialized clinic.
(d) At their Grandma Gilbreth's house.

9. How did Dad behave on the boat?
(a) He was anxious, and very focused on keeping the children safe.
(b) He was unusually relaxed about the children's rules and behavior.
(c) He pretended to be Christopher Columbus.
(d) He assumed the role of a sailor, and barked orders at his crew.

10. While on the boat with the children, how did Dad fall overboard?
(a) He was trying to save Lill, who nearly fell overboard herself.
(b) He was trying to demonstrate proper boat safety, and he slipped.
(c) He tripped over a rope.
(d) He was hit by the boom.

11. What method did Dad use to reinforce the importance of social poise?
(a) Verbal reprimands.
(b) Verbal praise.
(c) Corporal punishment.
(d) Rewards.

12. In Chapter 8, to where did Mother travel with the children?
(a) To Connecticut to visit Uncle Fred.
(b) To California to visit her relatives.
(c) To Boston to visit her parents.
(d) To Fort Sill, Oklahoma, to visit Dad.

13. Following his filming of the surgeries, what did the photographer communicate to Dad?
(a) One of the children broke his movie camera.
(b) He decided to pursue a career in medicine.
(c) He forgot to take the lens cap off of the camera.
(d) He wanted to have a lot of children, also.

14. Why did Tom build a realistic looking coffin out of a packing case?
(a) The family could bury their dog who had passed away.
(b) The family could bury their cat who had passed away.
(c) The children could reenact a scene from their favorite book.
(d) Dad planned to used it in a movie about the automatic pencil factory.

15. Which of the following is not a challenge Mother faced as she traveled with the children?
(a) Fred was ill.
(b) Ernestine got lost at the train station.
(c) Lill had a broken foot.
(d) Mother was seven months pregnant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Mother leave the hospital before giving birth to her seventh child?

2. How did Dad respond when newspaper photographers would come to take their picture?

3. What did the children's peers at school harass them about?

4. When the family arrived to their vacation house, what did they receive in a package?

5. Who surprised Mother and the children on their trip home?

(see the answer keys)

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