Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cheaper by the Dozen Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Sr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Dad find success and own his own contracting business by the age of 27?
(a) He started as a bricklayer, and quickly rose in the ranks of construction by being an efficient worker.
(b) He followed in his father's footsteps, and he aggressively pursued a career in construction at a young age.
(c) He was a bricklayer, and he met a man who taught him how to be efficient and get promoted.
(d) He served as an apprentice to a man who owned a contracting business.

2. How were the children expected to respond when they heard the whistle?
(a) They were to start their chores.
(b) They were to shout their name to be accounted for.
(c) They were to go to bed.
(d) They were to come as quickly as possible.

3. Which is an example of how Mother's approach to parenting tempered Dad's approach?
(a) Mother didn't play practical jokes on the children.
(b) Mother allowed the children to break the rules sometimes so they could have fun.
(c) Mother firmly discouraged Dad from entering Ernestine into a high level competition.
(d) Mother put her foot down when Dad would try to make the children more efficient.

4. Why is Chapter 5 entitled "Mister Chairman"?
(a) Dad enforced a new rule that the children must call him Mister Chairman instead of Dad.
(b) Bill told Dad he wanted to be called Mister Chairman when he is grown up and successful in business.
(c) Martha wanted to be respected like the boys, and she told everyone her new name was Mister Chairman.
(d) Mother and Dad ran the household like a business, and Dad was the Chairman.

5. Which of the following is not a reason that the family outing was a disaster?
(a) Mother was not amused by Dad's antics.
(b) The boys started goofing off.
(c) The car engine failed, and they could not drive home.
(d) The girls were embarrassed by their clothes.

6. What was a reason Dad drove the children to advance quickly in school?
(a) He wanted to brag to everyone about how smart his children were.
(b) He didn't do well in school himself, and he wanted his children to do better than he did.
(c) He wanted them to compete in national academic competitions.
(d) He wanted to get as many of them as possible through college before he died.

7. What does Chapter 3 demonstrate about Dad's relationship with Mother?
(a) Mother always supported Dad, even if she didn't like something he was doing.
(b) Dad respected Mother, and yielded to her wishes when she asserted herself.
(c) Dad did not respect Mother, because their points of view were so different.
(d) Dad and Mother disagreed often.

8. Which of the following is an accurate description of Dad?
(a) He was a large man who was very self-assured and successful in business.
(b) He was a very serious man and didn't have a very good sense of humor.
(c) Although he was very smart, he struggled to find success in business.
(d) He was a short man who was confident, yet very reserved.

9. Which is an example of how Dad never allowed the children to waste time at home?
(a) The children were required to sleep in their school clothes so they were ready in the morning.
(b) The children were required to recite poetry while bathing.
(c) The children were required to listen to language records while bathing.
(d) The children were expected to eat their breakfast in five minutes or less.

10. What is the primary focus of Chapter2?
(a) The reader learned more about the practical and strict side of Dad.
(b) The reader learns more about the impractical and fun loving side of Dad.
(c) The reader learns more about Dad's work life.
(d) The reader learns that Dad has a bad temper and little sense of humor.

11. How did Mother approach her disagreement with Dad in a particular area of parenting?
(a) She went behind his back and did things differently.
(b) She argued with him about it.
(c) She quietly resented him for it.
(d) She went along with it.

12. Why did Dad name their first car "Foolish Carriage"?
(a) He thought he looked foolish in it.
(b) He thought it was a foolish invention.
(c) He thought it was foolish to own a car when he had so many children.
(d) He didn't think he should purchase it, but he needed it for his large family.

13. What volunteer work was Mother involved in?
(a) She volunteered in the town library.
(b) She was involved in local politics and served on a campaign committee.
(c) She was active in Sunday school work and served on several committees.
(d) She made quilts for those less fortunate.

14. What method did Dad use with the children to reinforce that they work hard in school?
(a) He rewarded them heavily.
(b) He signed them up for classes below their grade level.
(c) He made them meet with the principal once a week.
(d) He punished them often.

15. Who was permitted to sit in the front seat for their big family outing?
(a) Mother and Dad only.
(b) The oldest children.
(c) Those who were particularly good.
(d) Whoever called it first.

Short Answer Questions

1. What influence did Dad's work life have on his home life?

2. What did Dad tell his family he had purchased, when really he had purchased a car?

3. What elements of the novel does Ernestine Gilbreth Carey introduce in the Preface of the book?

4. How did Lillian Gilbreth often begin her platform appearances?

5. Who was Mrs. Bruce?

(see the answer keys)

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