Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Jon Lee Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Jon Lee Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Cuba's main export to the United States?
(a) Tobacco.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Rye.

2. How long before the Presidential elections did Che enter Escambray?
(a) Two months.
(b) One month.
(c) Four months.
(d) Three months.

3. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, where was the US storing their bombs?
(a) In Saudi Arabia.
(b) In China.
(c) In Israel.
(d) In Turkey.

4. How did the Cuban public react when Frank Pais was captured and killed by the government?
(a) They were pleased.
(b) They were apathetic.
(c) They were confused.
(d) They were outraged.

5. How did Che's family react when they visited him in Havana and saw the way he handled his power?
(a) They were disturbed.
(b) They were proud.
(c) They were terrified.
(d) They were apathetic.

6. Why was Che's asthma aggravated whenever he was in Cuba for a long stretch of time?
(a) Because of the physical strain on his body.
(b) Because of the weather.
(c) Because of the pollen.
(d) Because of the animals.

7. Who was blamed for the error in Cienfuegos?
(a) Eisenhower.
(b) Castro.
(c) Che.
(d) Batista.

8. In what country did Castro's rise to power claim the most media attention?
(a) Mexico.
(b) United States.
(c) Cuba.
(d) Argentina.

9. What Congolese city did Che travel to after leaving Cuba?
(a) Mbuji-Mayi.
(b) Bas-Congo.
(c) Dar-Es-Salaam.
(d) Kasai-Oriental.

10. In what month of the year was the President-Elect supposed to be inaugurated in Cuba?
(a) May.
(b) November.
(c) February.
(d) August.

11. How did Che respond when Hilda wrote to request to come to Cuba to be by his side?
(a) He was annoyed.
(b) He was excited.
(c) He was apathetic.
(d) He was confused.

12. Who was elected President in the 1958 Cuban Presidential election?
(a) Rivero Agüero.
(b) Fidel Castro.
(c) Fulgencio Batista.
(d) Che Guevara.

13. Which of the following countries was NOT considered part of the communist bloc in the early 1960's?
(a) Mongolia.
(b) China.
(c) Poland.
(d) North Korea.

14. Who purchased all the sugar the American government refused to buy?
(a) Great Britain.
(b) China.
(c) The Soviet Union.
(d) North Korea.

15. Which of Castro's armies attempted to curtail his power on July 26, 1957?
(a) The Business Party.
(b) The Urban Party.
(c) The Farmers Party.
(d) The City Party.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Che meet with Nikolai Leonov to protect their safety?

2. Who was elected President in Argentina in the election of 1963?

3. In which border country was Argentina trying to create a training headquarters known as "Operation Shadow"?

4. What were the members of the community that did not support Castro known as?

5. According to Che's letters to his family, how many years did he plan on being away from them, dedicated to his fighting?

(see the answer keys)

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