Chatterton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chatterton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Harriet's parrot holding in its beak?
(a) A child's glove.
(b) A child.
(c) A DVD.
(d) A child's shoe.

2. What is the name of the gardens that Charles enters?
(a) Dodd's.
(b) Fickles'
(c) Foreman's
(d) Regal's.

3. Who does Harriet say she thought Charles was?
(a) Mr. Holmes.
(b) Mr. Ripper.
(c) Mr. Punch.
(d) Mr. Fox.

4. What kind of problem does Harriet tell Charles she has?
(a) An old age problem.
(b) A female problem.
(c) A relationship problem.
(d) A financial problem.

5. What does Charles give Harriet for a present?
(a) A photograph of his family.
(b) A book of his poetry.
(c) One of his wife's cakes.
(d) A box of chocolates.

6. What is the name of the street Chatterton was born on?
(a) File Street.
(b) Pile Street.
(c) Elm Street.
(d) Baker Street.

7. Which of the following phrases does Harriet use to describe her food?
(a) What a spead.
(b) Scran attack.
(c) Lovely grub.
(d) Lovely jubbly.

8. What does Edward say when Chatterton's portrait falls off the wall?
(a) He is tired.
(b) He is dead.
(c) He is sick.
(d) He is smelling the carpet.

9. What is Chatterton's father's job at St. Mary Redcliffe church?
(a) Sunday school teacher.
(b) Singing master.
(c) Janitor.
(d) Preacher.

10. What does Pat ask Charles to do for him?
(a) Stroke his hair.
(b) Scratch his back.
(c) Rub his feet.
(d) Massage his neck.

11. What does Meredith say he is capable of enduring?
(a) Death.
(b) Child birth.
(c) Divorce.
(d) A bad marriage.

12. Where did Andrew and Charles meet?
(a) At a jazz concert.
(b) At a poetry reading.
(c) At a night club.
(d) At a folk festival.

13. What is the name of the Fitz Dangerfield painting Sarah is admiring?
(a) The Dungheaped Hothead.
(b) Look to Sea.
(c) The Godot.
(d) The Opium Dream.

14. Why did Hariett use the plots from Bentley's books?
(a) Using someone's plot is not plagarism.
(b) She was under pressure to produce a book.
(c) She had writer's block.
(d) She needed money.

15. What part of London does Andrew Flint live in?
(a) South Kennsington.
(b) Russell Square.
(c) Tottenham Court Road.
(d) Leicester Square.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Claire's mother want money for?

2. What does Harriet tell her cat Mother would like to do?

3. Which poet helped Harriet publish her first two books?

4. What can Charles Wychwood hear as he watches leaves fall to the ground?

5. What does the girl tell Tom gapes open?

(see the answer keys)

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