Chatterton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chatterton Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What street was Colston's second school located on?
(a) Redcliffe Street.
(b) Blighter Street.
(c) Hotcliffe Street.
(d) Lopside Street.

2. What is Chatterton's father's job at St. Mary Redcliffe church?
(a) Singing master.
(b) Janitor.
(c) Sunday school teacher.
(d) Preacher.

3. What happens to the air when Charles walks through the arch into the gardens?
(a) It becomes thinner.
(b) It becomes colder.
(c) It becomes thicker.
(d) It becomes warmer.

4. What does Claire's mother want money for?
(a) A new house.
(b) An abortion.
(c) Adoption.
(d) A party.

5. What does Flint call his flat?
(a) His Akropolis.
(b) His Bohemian palace.
(c) His dulce domum.
(d) His kaufhaus.

6. What did Chatterton sell to London magazines?
(a) Limericks.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Short stories.
(d) Photographs.

7. What was Chatterton taught to calculate at his school?
(a) Tax deductions.
(b) The price of coffee.
(c) Pensions.
(d) The price of corn.

8. What city did Chatterton move to in the hope of making a name for himself?
(a) London.
(b) Berlin.
(c) Paris.
(d) Prague.

9. Who does Philip realize has written similar stories to Harrison Bentley?
(a) Harriet Scrope.
(b) Philip Slack.
(c) John Chatterton.
(d) William Blake.

10. Which poet does Harriet think Charles quotes?
(a) Lawrence.
(b) Shakespeare.
(c) Pound.
(d) Wordsword.

11. What does Sadlier call the Seymour paintings in Cumberland's gallery?
(a) Craftmanship.
(b) Fakes.
(c) Genius.
(d) Lithe.

12. What religious figure does Harriet compare herself to?
(a) Judas.
(b) Lazarus.
(c) Jesus.
(d) John the Baptist.

13. Which of the following phrases does Harriet use to describe her food?
(a) Lovely jubbly.
(b) What a spead.
(c) Lovely grub.
(d) Scran attack.

14. Where does Charles know Andrew Flint from?
(a) College.
(b) The snooker club.
(c) Work.
(d) His childhood.

15. What was the name of the church Chatterton's father worked for?
(a) St. Mary Redcliffe Church.
(b) St. Thomas Leighton Church.
(c) St. John Canterbury Church.
(d) St. Raul Norbury Church.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Philip work?

2. What is the name of Cumberland's partner?

3. What city do Philip and Charles travel to?

4. What kind of hat does Harriet wear?

5. What kind of school does Chatterton say he was put into?

(see the answer keys)

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