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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 7.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How does Mrs. Leno describe Charles' haircut?
(a) A bramble bush.
(b) A feather bed.
(c) A black forest.
(d) A birds nest.
2. What does Leno Antiques ask their customers not to do?
(a) Shout.
(b) Steal.
(c) Smoke.
(d) Linger.
3. Which of the following phrases does Harriet use to describe her food?
(a) Lovely jubbly.
(b) What a spead.
(c) Lovely grub.
(d) Scran attack.
4. Where does Charles know Andrew Flint from?
(a) Work.
(b) College.
(c) His childhood.
(d) The snooker club.
5. What does Harriet tell her cat Mother would like to do?
(a) Piss on the books.
(b) Kill her self.
(c) Pay for a young man.
(d) Get drunk.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why did Hariett use the plots from Bentley's books?
2. Which poet helped Harriet publish her first two books?
3. What does Charles have to confirm to the old gentleman that he does not have?
4. What does Charles give Harriet for a present?
5. What does Edward say when Chatterton's portrait falls off the wall?
This section contains 217 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |