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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Chapter 4.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Harriet tell her cat Mother would like to do?
(a) Get drunk.
(b) Piss on the books.
(c) Pay for a young man.
(d) Kill her self.
2. What does Leno Antiques ask their customers not to do?
(a) Shout.
(b) Smoke.
(c) Linger.
(d) Steal.
3. How does Mrs. Leno describe Charles' haircut?
(a) A bramble bush.
(b) A black forest.
(c) A birds nest.
(d) A feather bed.
4. Which of the following foods is Harriet preparing for herself?
(a) A casserole.
(b) A sandwich.
(c) An English breakfast.
(d) Fish and chips.
5. What do the stone stairs smell like?
(a) Disinfectant.
(b) Bleach.
(c) Body odor.
(d) Urine.
Short Answer Questions
1. What can Charles Wychwood hear as he watches leaves fall to the ground?
2. What alcoholic drink does Harriet make for herself?
3. In which city did Charles buy the flute book?
4. Which of the following phrases is now on the sign for Leno's Antiques?
5. Which of the following words best describes Harriet's novel?
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