A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of milk is actually contained in the vial?
(a) Dandelion milk.
(b) Goat's milk.
(c) Cow's milk.
(d) Almond milk.

2. Which servant in the Oliver home has decided to help Lady Kix with her plan for pregnancy?
(a) A groomsman.
(b) A maid.
(c) A butler.
(d) A stableboy.

3. Who finds Moll after she runs away again?
(a) Her parents.
(b) Her brother.
(c) The Allwits.
(d) The Gossips.

4. Whose opinion of them seems to concern the Yellowhammers most?
(a) The Gossips'.
(b) Sir Walter's.
(c) The childrens'.
(d) The neighbors'.

5. Which member of the community is considered most integral to Moll's funeral?
(a) The Journalist.
(b) The Gardener.
(c) The Parson.
(d) The Doctor.

6. Why does Touchwood Senior decide to help Sir Oliver and his wife with their cause?
(a) Because he is tricked into coming.
(b) Because he knows it will infuriate Sir Walter.
(c) Because he wants to help a couple in need.
(d) Because he wants the money.

7. Where does Moll claim to have contracted the disease that is plaguing her?
(a) From her mother.
(b) From Touchwood Junior.
(c) From the river.
(d) From Sir Walter.

8. Who arrives with Touchwood Senior at Sir Oliver's home?
(a) Touchwood Junior.
(b) Yellowhammer.
(c) Moll.
(d) Davy Duhana.

9. Which of the following words does Tim use to describe the women at the party?
(a) Childish.
(b) Frivolous.
(c) Generous.
(d) Beautiful.

10. Who arrives with the news that Touchwood Junior is dead?
(a) Touchwood Senior.
(b) Sir Walter.
(c) A servant.
(d) Lady Kix.

11. Why does Maudlin sound the alarm, causing everyone to run from the house in a panic?
(a) Because Moll is missing.
(b) Because she is in labor.
(c) Because the kitchen is on fire.
(d) Because the sheep have been snatched from their pen.

12. How does Sir Walter react to the news that he will be married so quickly?
(a) He is outraged.
(b) He is embarrassed.
(c) He is confused.
(d) He is pleased.

13. How does Yellowhammer react to the truth about Moll's funeral?
(a) He is shocked.
(b) He is confused.
(c) He is embarrassed.
(d) He is outraged.

14. Which of the following characters does NOT attend Moll's funeral?
(a) Sir Oliver.
(b) Allwit.
(c) Lady Kix.
(d) Sir Walter.

15. Who pays for the post-christening party?
(a) Sir Allwit.
(b) Davy Duhana.
(c) Sir Walter.
(d) Yellowhammer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who breaks the news to Allwit that Sir Walter plans to wed Moll?

2. What is discovered to be the truth about Moll's funeral?

3. How do Yellowhammer and Maudlin react to the news that Moll may die?

4. Who does Sir Oliver order to pay Touchwood Senior for the news that Lady Kix is pregnant?

5. How does Moll react to the news that Touchwood Junior is dead?

(see the answer keys)

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