Chasing Vermeer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Blue Balliett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing Vermeer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Blue Balliett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did Calder usually spend his free time until recently?
(a) Robert.
(b) Tommy.
(c) Petra.
(d) No one.

2. What does Petra find at her home?
(a) A correlation between truth and beauty.
(b) Meaning in the everyday things she uses.
(c) A great deal of art.
(d) Very little art.

3. What does Petra dress up as on Halloween?
(a) One of the characters is a book she likes.
(b) The lady from her dream.
(c) Emily Dickinson.
(d) A rock star.

4. What does Calder feel he is trying to solve?
(a) A puzzle.
(b) Everyone's problems.
(c) His difficult problem about school.
(d) An intricate math problem using his pentominoes.

5. What is the purpose of pentominoes?
(a) To make something that is simple become very complex.
(b) To imitate something else.
(c) To enable the study of the world in a geometric way.
(d) To teach by the use of mime.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Calder and Petra decide to help the Lady?

2. What do people supposedly do with the strange events in "Lo!"?

3. Of what are each of these three unsure?

4. What does Calder learn when he researches Vermeer?

5. What does the thief say he will do if the public does not respond to the thief's demands?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Petra begin looking for, and does she find it at home?

2. What does the author challenge the reader to do concerning the artwork and why?

3. What sort of books has Ms. Hussey chosen in Powell's Bookstore?

4. What book do Calder and Petra study after school, and what do they wonder about the first owner of the book?

5. What helps Calder think and what is he thinking about as he sits in his room?

6. What do Ms. Hussey and the students discuss in class and what does she quote from Picasso?

7. Why is the University School founded, and how what Ms. Hussey think of this?

8. What interrupts Calder's writing about his assignment?

9. What about Petra's Halloween outfit is familiar to Calder and what shocks Petra about something she sees in a book about Vermeer?

10. What is Petra's father upset about and what is Petra's response?

(see the answer keys)

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