Chasing Vermeer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Blue Balliett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing Vermeer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Blue Balliett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Petra find at her home?
(a) Very little art.
(b) A correlation between truth and beauty.
(c) A great deal of art.
(d) Meaning in the everyday things she uses.

2. Why was University School started?
(a) To see if a school could exist on private funding alone.
(b) As an experiment.
(c) To enable unique students to get a quality education.
(d) To serve the families of the military.

3. What is significant about the Art Institute in Chicago for Petra and Calder?
(a) It is where "The Lady Writing" is due to arrive.
(b) It is where "The Lady Writing" was kept until about two years earlier.
(c) It is scheduled to be closed for several months for remodeling.
(d) It is close to their home and they can visit it easily.

4. What does Petra think it all means?
(a) She thinks her best friend knows the answer.
(b) She thinks it's a joke.
(c) She is not sure.
(d) She thinks it has something to do with Calder.

5. What does Calder's grandmother call a "rainbow bath"?
(a) Sitting in the sun.
(b) Lying in the solarium.
(c) Surrounding oneself with crystals.
(d) Lying in a room painted with the colors of the rainbow.

6. What does Calder wish about Vermeer and Fort?
(a) That they were still alive.
(b) That he could be as talented as they are.
(c) That he could have met either of them.
(d) That he had never heard of either of them.

7. What is Ms. Hussey's appearance when she comes to school one day?
(a) She has a bandage on her leg.
(b) She has a black eye.
(c) Her arm is in a sling.
(d) She is walking with a cane.

8. From where do the clippings in "Lo!" seem to come?
(a) From handwritten articles.
(b) From newspapers from all over the world.
(c) From newspapers no longer extant.
(d) From the internet.

9. In what does Calder feel trapped?
(a) A puzzle.
(b) A no-win situation.
(c) Having to spend time with Petra.
(d) A dangerous situation.

10. What does Calder think when he sees Petra in her Halloween costume?
(a) The costume looks like one from a book about Vermeer.
(b) He thinks she looks awesome.
(c) He thinks she looks silly.
(d) He thinks she is a bit strange.

11. About what are these three people warned?
(a) That the pursuit of justice is a lonely occupation.
(b) There are criminals looking for these people.
(c) That there are many who want to stop them.
(d) Not to go to the authorities.

12. What does Petra start looking for in the world around her?
(a) Symmetry.
(b) Art.
(c) Meaning.
(d) Beauty.

13. How does Petra respond to what she notices about her father?
(a) She is worried.
(b) She gets defensive.
(c) She laughs.
(d) She wants to call a doctor.

14. Who is "Old Fred"?
(a) Tommy's new stepfather.
(b) Petra's new stepfather.
(c) Calder's cousin.
(d) Calder's uncle.

15. With whom did Calder usually spend his free time until recently?
(a) No one.
(b) Tommy.
(c) Petra.
(d) Robert.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who seems to speak to Petra with knowing eyes?

2. What interrupts Calder in his writing?

3. What does Ms. Hussey drop off in front of Powell's?

4. Who is Charles Fort?

5. Who gave Calder the box he pulls out to look in?

(see the answer keys)

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