Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pierce wear in the imaging lab in order to see Goddard's reaction?
(a) Night vision goggles.
(b) His prescription safety goggles.
(c) Heat resonance goggles.
(d) His prescription glasses.

2. What reason does Pierce give for not wanting the computer mainframe in the lab?
(a) Not enough room.
(b) Cannot get a wifi signal in the lab.
(c) Computer techs do not have security clearance for the lab.
(d) Too much interference with the experiments.

3. Who suggests that Proteus might win Pierce a Nobel Prize?
(a) Bechy.
(b) Condon.
(c) Goddard.
(d) Larraby.

4. Why does Pierce tell Larraby to switch to thermal in Chapter 28?
(a) It is a way of showing Proteus' elements beyond energy usage.
(b) It helps people to see Proteus work more effeciently.
(c) It turns the pinpoints of light seen in the reaction of Proteus into colors.
(d) It is necessary to show how Proteus works.

5. From where does Pierce get the quote, "Our buildings, to you, would seem terribly small. But to us, who aren't big, they are wonderfully tall."?
(a) The Cat in the Hat.
(b) Emily Dickenson.
(c) Fantastic Voyage.
(d) Horton Hears a Who.

6. What is a scramble card?
(a) A credit card that constantly scrambles its numbers.
(b) A key to unlock doors, such as is used in hotels.
(c) A bank card with no set account.
(d) A prepaid bank card.

7. What does AE stand for?
(a) Analyze and evaluate.
(b) Analyze and estimate.
(c) Admit and explain.
(d) Arrest and execute.

8. What does Zeller say when Pierce forces him to admit he set up the sniffer on Amedeo's computer system?
(a) He never read the info.
(b) It was an meant to be a prank.
(c) He was using it to protect the system.
(d) He was just curious.

9. What reason does Pierce give Condon for wanting to delay the meeting with Goddard in Chapter 26?
(a) Proteus is not ready.
(b) He wants to file the patents first.
(c) His face will raise questions of stability and reliability.
(d) He is too sick to deal with a dog and pony show.

10. Why does Pierce believe that Wentz did not target him to be set up for murder in Chapter 33?
(a) Pierce never had contact with Wentz' girls.
(b) Wentz is not in the same business as Pierce.
(c) Pierce is too intelligent for Wentz to not be afraid of him.
(d) They had no connection to each other.

11. What does Renner show Pierce a picture of in Chapter 22?
(a) Nicole leaving their house on Amalfi Drive.
(b) Himself hanging upside down off his balcony.
(c) Lilly's damaged mattress.
(d) Lilly's body.

12. Who is Confucius?
(a) A Chinese investor.
(b) A Chinese doctor.
(c) A Chinese diplomat.
(d) A Chinese philosopher.

13. Why does Condon joke that the elevator is marked with a B for basement instead of a L for lab in Chapter 27?
(a) To keep people from knowing where the lab is.
(b) Due to the fact that it is the basement.
(c) To make things simple for the scientists.
(d) To keep people from mistaking it with the lobby.

14. What reason does Renner give in Chapter 22 for using a tape recorder?
(a) To use against Pierce in a court of law.
(b) To keep the interview straight for the written report.
(c) To make it easier to remember later.
(d) To protect both him and Pierce during an interview.

15. Why does the doctor tell Pierce in Chapter 21 he will need a plastic surgeon?
(a) For the cut on his chest.
(b) To repair a laceration on his thigh.
(c) For the lacerations around his eye and nose.
(d) To repair his broken nose.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Lucy tell Pierce instructed her to show Pierce where Lilly's work apartment was located?

2. What is nanotechnology?

3. What is in a message Cody leaves for Pierce in Chapter 21?

4. What does Pierce leave behind as he exits the house on Amalfi in Chapter 35?

5. Who does Pierce tell Monica might call her in Chapter 25?

(see the answer keys)

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