Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing the Dime: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nickname does Nicole use for Pierce?
(a) Apple.
(b) MacIntosh.
(c) Microsoft.
(d) Hewlett.

2. What does Pierce use in Chapter 19 to help carry his groceries to his apartment?
(a) A child's wagon.
(b) A laundry basket.
(c) A security guard.
(d) A push cart.

3. What is Entrepreneurial Concepts Unlimited?
(a) The company that owns LA Darlings and other websites.
(b) The company that wants to invest in Pierce's company.
(c) A competitor of Pierce's company.
(d) A phone company in Santa Monica.

4. What name does Pierce reveal in Chapter 16 his sister used on the streets before her death?
(a) Rose.
(b) Lilly.
(c) Angel.
(d) Harriet.

5. What does Pierce find behind a door marked private in the offices of Entrepreneurial Concepts Unlimited?
(a) Telephone operators.
(b) A computer room.
(c) Studios.
(d) Offices.

6. What is a houseman?
(a) The manager of a lab.
(b) The man at the crackhouse who collected fees for the use of the house.
(c) Another name for the head of security in corporate America.
(d) A chaperon at a college dorm.

7. What is on a voice command in all the rooms of Pierce's workplace?
(a) The elevators.
(b) The security.
(c) The lights.
(d) The lab equipment.

8. Whose number does Wentz find on Pierce's caller ID that makes him angry?
(a) Charlie's.
(b) Nicole's.
(c) Cody's.
(d) Robin's.

9. From what did Pierce change his major in college to chemistry?
(a) Biology.
(b) Computer science.
(c) Literature.
(d) History.

10. What is Arbadac Arba?
(a) Abra Cadabra written backwards, the password from Entrepreneurial Concepts.
(b) Pierce's password for his work computer.
(c) The street Lilly lived on.
(d) Pierce's nickname for Nicole.

11. Who does Pierce learn Monica has been talking to about him in Chapter 7?
(a) Cody.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Goddard.
(d) Nicole.

12. On what day did Nicole tell Pierce their relationship was over?
(a) September 1, 2002.
(b) October 10, 2002.
(c) August 9, 2002.
(d) November 8, 2002.

13. What company symbols does Cody collect?
(a) Companies he wants to work for.
(b) Companies whose computer security he has not been able to breach.
(c) Companies with cool symbols.
(d) Companies whose computer security he has breached.

14. What is Pierce willing to offer to an investor in exchange for the money he needs to continue his research?
(a) Ten percent of his company.
(b) Twenty percent of his company.
(c) Five percent of his company.
(d) Fifteen percent of his company.

15. Who are the Fighting Moles?
(a) A group of traveling science lecturers.
(b) A corporate softball team that Amedeo once sponsored.
(c) A professional soccer team.
(d) A band made up of scientists.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Pierce's blood get onto the wall outside his building, twelve stories up?

2. Who is Henry Pierce?

3. Who does Pierce ask Monica to call in Chapter 7 and pretend to be Lilly Quinlan?

4. What is social engineering?

5. What does Robin say Lilly always did with the single parking space at her working apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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