Chasing Lincoln's Killer Test | Final Test - Hard

James L. Swanson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing Lincoln's Killer Test | Final Test - Hard

James L. Swanson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Abraham Lincoln's body transported to Springfield after his funeral?

2. What did George Atzerodt purchase during his trip into Bowling Green?

3. What two reasons does James L. Swanson cite for an autopsy having been performed on Abraham Lincoln, though it was clear what had caused his death?

4. Before he fled to Europe to escape capture, where did John Surratt go to hide when he learned of Abraham Lincoln's assassination?

5. What happened when Thomas Jones arrived in Richmond, Virginia in April of 1865 with the intention of completing his intended task?

Short Essay Questions

1. Once she was sent from the room in which Abraham Lincoln lay dying, why did Marty Todd Lincoln never see her husband's face again?

2. What was Dr. Samuel Mudd's response when he learned that Abraham Lincoln had been killed and that John Wilkes Booth had been the assassin?

3. When James L. Swanson states that John Wilkes Booth had planned in detail the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and his escape from the theater itself, but not much beyond that, what details does he use to support his point?

4. What did Dr. Richard Stuart do to earn the ire of John Wilkes Booth and how did John Wilkes Booth make his feelings about the matter known?

5. What key suggestion did Thomas Jones offer to John Wilkes Booth and David Herold that ended up frustrating any leads gained within the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth?

6. What type of tone does James L. Swanson use in describing the actions of Lafayette Baker and his men as they surrounded the barn in which they knew John Wilkes Booth was hiding?

7. What was the first major break in the manhunt for the assassins and why was it significant?

8. Why was the decision made to shoot the healthy horses belonging to John Wilkes Booth and David Herold?

9. Though John Wilkes Booth was angry at the newspapers for suppressing his written explanation for why he had killed Abraham Lincoln that he had given to his actor friend, what was the truth surrounding why his letter had not been published?

10. How did the transportation of Abraham Lincoln's body from the Pedersen boarding house to the Executive Mansion belie Abraham Lincoln's modest personality in life?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How does James L. Swanson use irony within the text? Discuss at least three uses of irony within the book and explore each instance's connection to larger themes within the book. Back up your points using concrete details from the book.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the author's treatment of the climactic scene of the manhunters' discovery of John Wilkes Booth at the Garrett Farm. Why is the author so concerned with the actions of Baker and his men and how does the tone of his writing in this scene reflect his attitude about the actions of Baker and his men? Use concrete details from the text to support your points.

Essay Topic 3

How is the literary device of foreshadowing used to highlight coming events within the story of Chasing Lincoln's Killer? Provide an ample number of quotes from the book in order to prove your claims.

(see the answer keys)

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