Chasing Lincoln's Killer Test | Final Test - Medium

James L. Swanson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chasing Lincoln's Killer Test | Final Test - Medium

James L. Swanson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many nights in total did John Wilkes Booth and David Herold spend in the pine forest before they made the attempt to get to Virginia?
(a) 7.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

2. What did John Wilkes Booth and George Atzerodt do when their Confederate soldier friends said the Union cavalry was approaching the Garretts' farm?
(a) They ran into the woods behind the farm and hid.
(b) They stood on the porch with their guns raised.
(c) They hid in the attic of the farmhouse.
(d) They took John Garrett hostage.

3. Who came to Mary Surratt's door at the precise moment her boarding house was being searched by soldiers?
(a) George Atzerodt.
(b) Lewis Powell.
(c) William Seward.
(d) David Herold.

4. For what crime had Thomas Jones been jailed for months prior to getting out in April of 1865?
(a) Disloyalty to the Union.
(b) Counterfeiting.
(c) Insubordination to an officer.
(d) Public intoxication.

5. After Thomas Jones had been released from jail in April of 1865, for what purpose did he visit Richmond, Virginia?
(a) To learn the trade of blacksmithing.
(b) To join in the assassination plot.
(c) To reunite with his wife and children.
(d) To collect the money owed to him by the Confederacy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose house did George Atzerodt visit for a midday meal late on Easter morning?

2. Which two co-conspirators did George Atzerodt implicate once he was caught by the authorities and confessed to his crimes?

3. When John Wilkes Booth became terrified at the sounds he heard during Thomas Jones' visit to the forest hideout, what is NOT one reason for his decision to hunker down and hope for the best?

4. When the authorities searched John Wilkes Booth's room and found a letter explaining the assassination plot, what name was signed at the bottom of the letter?

5. Where did John Wilkes Booth and David Herold go once they secured a wagon, a team of horses, and a driver?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was it about Thomas Jones' role in helping the fugitives John Wilkes Booth and David Herold put Thomas Jones' own life in such grave danger?

2. What type of tone does James L. Swanson use in describing the actions of Lafayette Baker and his men as they surrounded the barn in which they knew John Wilkes Booth was hiding?

3. Once she was sent from the room in which Abraham Lincoln lay dying, why did Marty Todd Lincoln never see her husband's face again?

4. Why was the decision made to shoot the healthy horses belonging to John Wilkes Booth and David Herold?

5. What was the first major break in the manhunt for the assassins and why was it significant?

6. What was Dr. Samuel Mudd's response when he learned that Abraham Lincoln had been killed and that John Wilkes Booth had been the assassin?

7. What damning evidence did investigators find inside the boarding house of Mary Surratt?

8. What was it about the newspapers brought to him by Thomas Jones that stunned John Wilkes Booth while he was hiding in the pine thicket?

9. When James L. Swanson states that John Wilkes Booth had planned in detail the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and his escape from the theater itself, but not much beyond that, what details does he use to support his point?

10. What action did Dr. Samuel Mudd take that sealed his position as an accomplice of John Wilkes Booth's?

(see the answer keys)

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