Charming Billy Test | Final Test - Easy

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Charming Billy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dennis do when he comes into Maeve's house?
(a) Turns on the stereo
(b) Puts beer in the refrigerator
(c) Takes the dog for a walk
(d) Hugs Maeve

2. Who identifies Billy's body on the day he dies?
(a) Maeve
(b) Dennis
(c) Dan
(d) Sheila

3. What happened to Maeve when she used to help Billy to bed when he was drunk?
(a) She got bruises
(b) She was derided
(c) She was cursed at
(d) She fell down the steps

4. Maeve clearly won Billy's _____________, if not his heart.
(a) Respect
(b) Loyalty
(c) Affection
(d) Fidelity

5. Who sits all night with Maeve on the night that Billy dies?
(a) Kate
(b) Her neighbor
(c) Dennis
(d) Dennis' daughter

6. On the night Billy is buried, Dennis' daughter asks him if he still _________________________.
(a) Wants to live alone
(b) Struggles with his faith
(c) Loves his wife
(d) Wants to leave New York

7. Eva tells Billy that Mary has been married ________ times.
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 1

8. What does Maeve do in the early days of her courtship with Billy in order to get to see him?
(a) Throws her father's shoes down the incinerator and has to go to the shoe store
(b) Joins his church
(c) Drives up and down his street
(d) Sits in the coffee shop across the street

9. On the day that Billy died, what happened that had happened many times before?
(a) Billy did not call to tell her where he was
(b) Billy did not come home all night
(c) Billy watched the evening news and went out
(d) Billy brought her flowers

10. Whose funeral do others in the house begin to talk about?
(a) Maeve's sister, Kate
(b) Eva
(c) Daniel Lynch
(d) Mary

11. Dan tells Dennis and his daughter that no one thought Billy would ________________________.
(a) Marry after Eva died
(b) Die so young
(c) Become an alcoholic
(d) Go to Ireland

12. What does the minister give Dennis to ensure the work get completed sooner?
(a) A cup of coffee
(b) Ten dollars
(c) A cigar
(d) A bottle of wine

13. Which of the following is not true about Eva's life?
(a) She married Billy
(b) She has children
(c) She has a good life
(d) She has grandchildren

14. Who stays to help Maeve through the night after Billy's funeral?
(a) Dennis
(b) Kate
(c) Dennis' daughter
(d) Sheila

15. Why does Maeve get upset when she hears Dennis speaking to the dog?
(a) He is too harsh with the dog
(b) He is talking too loud
(c) He is using foul language
(d) She thinks it is Billy

Short Answer Questions

1. Dan feels that Billy's life would have been different if ______________________.

2. What does Dennis talk to Dan Lynch about on the drive home?

3. What is Billy's attitude when he approaches Dennis about the deception about Eva?

4. What does Dennis' daughter see stuck in the mirror in Maeve's bedroom?

5. Dennis' daughter is not sure Dennis __________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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