Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Lurvy tries to wake up Wilbur?
(a) He gets red and embarassed when he is unable to wake the pig.
(b) He fans Wilbur with his new blanket.
(c) He drenches Mc. Zuckerman and Avery with a pail of water.
(d) He trips and falls into Mr. and Mrs. Arable.

2. What does Fern wish at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) That she were riding the Ferris wheel with Henry Fussy.
(b) That this day would never end.
(c) That Wilbur will live forever.
(d) That she never had to grow up.

3. What does Charlotte write in her last web?
(a) Crunchy.
(b) Pig Supreme.
(c) Humble.
(d) With New Radiant Action.

4. How is Charlotte feeling at the end of Chapter 17?
(a) Tired and listless.
(b) Excited about being at the fair.
(c) Cranky and hungry.
(d) Energized about saving Wilbur's life.

5. Which of the following is not a way that Charlotte's egg sac is described?
(a) Waterproof.
(b) Tough and strong.
(c) Resembling cotton candy.
(d) Gray and white like a puffy cloud.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 18, how does Fern feel about the time she spent at the Fair?

2. What is the oldest sheep's idea for how Charlotte can get ideas for more words to write in her web?

3. What does the gander do that irritates Charlotte when she calls a meeting?

4. Why does Charlotte say Uncle will be hard for Wilbur to beat?

5. What does Charlotte ask Templeton to bring her back from the fair?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which animals go to the Fair and why?

2. Why does Wilbur struggle when the men try to put him in the crate?

3. Why is life in the barn so good for Wilbur?

4. Why might Charlotte's children mean so much to Wilbur?

5. What lesson does the old sheep teach at the end of Chapter 12?

6. Before he is to leave the Fair and return to the farm, why does Wilbur bring up the fact that he once thought Charlotte was cruel and bloodthirsty?

7. What kind of lullaby does Charlotte sing to Wilbur?

8. How does Dr. Dorian feel about the possibility that animals can talk?

9. What effect do Charlotte's webs start to have on Wilbur?

10. After whose hour of triumph might this chapter be named, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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