Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

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Charlotte's Web Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why must Charlotte stay behind in her web, rather than accompanying Wilbur in Chapter 15?
(a) Someone must keep an eye on Templeton.
(b) Charlotte is afraid to leave her web.
(c) It is time for her to lay an egg sac and fill it with eggs.
(d) The goose needs help with her new nest full of eggs.

2. With whom does Fern ride the Ferris wheel?
(a) With her parents.
(b) With Wilbur and Charlotte.
(c) With Henry Fussy.
(d) With Avery.

3. Why does Fern put on her prettiest dress before the fair?
(a) She wants to look nice for Wilbur.
(b) She knows she will see boys at the Fair.
(c) Her father tells her that only tomboys wear overalls all the time.
(d) He mother makes her change into it.

4. Why did Charlotte want to make the Zuckermans think that Wilbur is an unusual pig?
(a) So they will give him better food.
(b) So they'll enter him in the County Fair pig contest.
(c) So they will let him live with Fern again.
(d) So they wouldn't kill and eat him.

5. What is Charlotte's magnum opus?
(a) Her abdomen.
(b) Her egg sac.
(c) Her lower leg joints.
(d) Her web.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not a name Wilbur gives to one of Charlotte's children?

2. What happens when Lurvy tries to wake up Wilbur?

3. Which of the following is not an instruction given by Mr. and Mrs. Arable to Fern and Avery?

4. What is the oldest sheep's idea for how Charlotte can get ideas for more words to write in her web?

5. What does Fern wish at the end of Chapter 19?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Arable feel about Fern's stories about the animals and what they talk about?

2. What kind of lullaby does Charlotte sing to Wilbur?

3. How are things on the farm changing as summer turns to fall?

4. Why is life in the barn so good for Wilbur?

5. Why does Charlotte think that the word Templeton brings back for her last web is particularly appropriate for Wilbur?

6. Why is Wilbur worrying during his first day at the Fair?

7. How is Fern's attitude toward the animals beginning to change during the time she spends at the Fair?

8. How can readers tell at the end of Chapter 21 that Wilbur is starting to grow up a little?

9. How does Charlotte feel after finding out that Wilbur is to receive a special prize?

10. How is Charlotte's time and attention beginning to split as the trip to the County Fair approaches?

(see the answer keys)

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