Charlotte's Web Short Essay - Answer Key

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Charlotte's Web Short Essay - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What sorts of things are most important to Fern at the beginning of the book?

She is concerned with unfairness and injustice. For example, she doesn't believe that a pig should be killed solely because it is the smallest of the litter.

2. What kind of a father is Mr. Arable described as being?

He is gentle with his daughter when she argues with him about injustice. He loves her and is touched by her passion for saving the pig. He gives her a chance to raise the pig even though he thinks it is foolish.

3. For what reason was Mr. Arable going to kill the runt?

Because it was the smallest pig and no one thought it would amount to anything. They didn't want to waste resources that could have gone to bigger, healthier pigs.

4. How seriously does Fern take her new responsibility of taking care of the pig?

She takes it very seriously. She practices feeding it right away and it is all she thinks about for the rest of the morning.

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