Charlotte's Web Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Charlotte's Web Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 18 - The Cool of the Evening.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author say Wilbur realizes is one of the most satisfying things in the world?
(a) A good dinner.
(b) Safety.
(c) Fame.
(d) Friendship.

2. What is the first question Fern asks her mother in the book?
(a) Has the litter of baby pigs been born yet?
(b) Where's Papa going with that ax?
(c) When can I get a new pet?
(d) What's for breakfast?

3. What does the gander do that irritates Charlotte when she calls a meeting?
(a) Tries to run the meeting himself.
(b) Keeps interrupting her.
(c) Refuses to show up on time.
(d) Repeats words.

4. What does the goose advise Wilbur to do once the people notice he is free?
(a) Hurry back to his pigpen.
(b) Run for the woods.
(c) Hide in the straw behind the barn.
(d) Go find Fern.

5. Why does Fern worry about Wilbur when her father first moves him outside?
(a) She thinks he will be lonely.
(b) She thinks he will be cold at night.
(c) She thinks he will run away.
(d) She thinks other animals will bother him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before Charlotte speaks up, who is going to help Wilbur calm down after receiving the bad news?

2. What does Charlotte do in the night at the Fair that she almost never does?

3. In Chapter 13, why does Charlotte have Wilbur run around?

4. Who tells Wilbur he doesn't have to stay in his yard?

5. Why does Templeton say he won't break the egg?

(see the answer key)

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