Charlotte's Web Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Charlotte's Web Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6 - Summer Days.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author say Templeton would do if he could get away with it?
(a) Eat all of Wilbur's food.
(b) Rip up Charlotte's web.
(c) Kill a gosling.
(d) Steal all the eggs on the farm.

2. Which of the following is not something Fern does when she comes to visit Wilbur?
(a) She does not watch Wilbur.
(b) She does not sing.
(c) She does not listen.
(d) She does not sit and think.

3. How does the rain in Chapter 4 disrupt Wilbur's plans?
(a) He had wanted to go out and dig a new hole in his yard.
(b) All the loudest animals are driven inside the barn by the rain.
(c) The sound of the raindrops disturbs his nap.
(d) A leaky roof makes rain drip and soak his bed.

4. Why can't Charlotte see Wilbur as clearly as he can see her?
(a) She is near-sighted.
(b) She is too busy spinning her web to look at him.
(c) He is hiding in a pile of straw.
(d) The lamb is blocking her view.

5. Why does Mrs. Arable think having Wilbur go live with the Zuckermans is a good idea?
(a) They will promise not to kill him.
(b) Mrs. Arable thinks it is a terrible idea.
(c) Once Wilbur is sent away, Fern will forget all about him.
(d) Fern can walk down the road and visit Wilbur as often as she likes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What season is it on the farm at the beginning of Chapter 6?

2. Under what conditions does Mr. Zuckerman allow Fern to visit Wilbur?

3. What does the goose know about Wilbur's future that Wilbur does not yet?

4. Which of the following is not one of the ways Fern takes care of Wilbur?

5. What does Mr. Arable say Fern will see once he agrees to let her raise the baby pig?

(see the answer key)

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