Charlie Wilson's War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

George Crile III
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charlie Wilson's War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

George Crile III
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At age twenty-seven, Wilson runs for what and wins?
(a) President of the United States.
(b) Mayor in his home town.
(c) Governor of Texas.
(d) State representative in his home state of Texas.

2. How does this incident affect the person who has to clean it up?
(a) It worries him about the depths of Wilson's depression.
(b) It angers him, to the extent that he resents Wilson.
(c) It disillusions him as to Wilson's character and makes him feel dirty.
(d) It annoys him.

3. At this time, the tribal leaders agree to what?
(a) Sign a peace treaty with Israel.
(b) Accept weapons from Israel, as long as they remain anonymous.
(c) Appear to be friends with Israel.
(d) Accept weapons from Israel and begin a friendship.

4. How does Charlie Wilson take the honored greeting he receives in Israel?
(a) With surprise.
(b) With annoyance.
(c) Very personally.
(d) Very lightly.

5. Why does Wilson ask to meet with someone from the CIA?
(a) To discuss the war in Russia.
(b) To discuss the war in Afghanistan.
(c) To discuss his next trip to Afghanistan.
(d) To discuss their support of Congress.

Short Answer Questions

1. After three years in Boston, where does this person secure a job?

2. Why must Avrakotos quit school?

3. How does Wilson achieve his lifestyle?

4. Who does Wilson call to clean up the mess of the wreck?

5. After telling off the European chief, who does Avrakotos alienate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What takes place in the beginning of Chapter Sixteen?

2. What does Wilson do after returning from Pakistan?

3. What does Joanne Herring do back in the United States?

4. What takes place between Wilson and Hart?

5. Who does Wilson begin to woo? Who is this person?

6. What reward of being a Congressman does Charlie Wilson enjoy the most?

7. Who does Wilson meet during the party? Describe this meeting.

8. For what does Wilson run? Does he win?

9. How are the charges dropped against Wilson?

10. What makes Wilson the first congressman to give money to the CIA?

(see the answer keys)

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