Charlie Wilson's War Test | Final Test - Easy

George Crile III
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charlie Wilson's War Test | Final Test - Easy

George Crile III
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What serves to boost morale?
(a) A report that the war in Afghanistan was waning.
(b) A report that the Russians had moved out of Afghanistan.
(c) A report that the Americans had pulled out of Afghanistan.
(d) A report of one Afghan fighter shooting down three Russian helicopters.

2. For how long is Wilson sober?
(a) Eighteen months.
(b) Eight months.
(c) Two years.
(d) Twelve months.

3. How does Vickers respond when Avrakotos begins to feel impatient?
(a) He becomes annoyed with Avrakotos.
(b) He tells him he will leave if Avrakotos' poor behavior continues.
(c) He tells him to drop the project.
(d) He reminds Avrakotos to view the larger picture.

4. Why does Avrakotos take the move uncharacteristically quietly?
(a) He is ready to retire.
(b) He has resigned to his fate.
(c) He trusts Wilson to help him.
(d) his bride-to-be and son now work for the agency, and he fears retribution could extend to them.

5. Why does an embarrassing trip take place for Wilson and Sweetums?
(a) Sweetums gets on the wrong plane.
(b) A strict pilot refuses to allow her on the DEA plane.
(c) Wilson is drunk and acts inappropriately.
(d) Wilson sneaks Sweetums onto a DEA plane.

6. In staffing his team for this volatile part of the earth, Avrakotos insists on keeping his team ________.
(a) Fairly large.
(b) Small
(c) Large.
(d) To himself.

7. What do the Arabs promise Congress?
(a) To match Congress dollar for dollar in Afghanistan.
(b) To stay out of the war.
(c) To assist them in any way possible.
(d) To allow the United States the opportunity to assist in the Middle East.

8. For what does Wilson continue to push the CIA?
(a) A secretive war effort.
(b) A bigger war effort.
(c) An end to the war.
(d) A smaller war effort.

9. What does the enormous budget for Afghanistan gain Avrakotos?
(a) Much power and respect in the CIA.
(b) Many enemies.
(c) More stress and an ulcer.
(d) More work and less pay.

10. What does the agency want, regarding these countries?
(a) To distract the two as long as possible and drain their resources.
(b) To aid them in their wars.
(c) To ignore their conflict.
(d) To demonstrate to them the powers of a democratic society.

11. How do many radical Muslims feel?
(a) Now that they took down one superpower, they can take on more.
(b) The United States saved them.
(c) War is over.
(d) Wilson is a great man.

12. What happens to President Zia in the summer of 1988?
(a) He dies in a plane crash.
(b) He dies from a heart attack.
(c) He is assassinated.
(d) He resigns.

13. Why is Vickers fearful to suggest radical changes?
(a) He is afraid to upset Avrakotos.
(b) He is not sure of his suggestions.
(c) He is not well-liked by Avrakotos.
(d) He holds too low of a rank.

14. Why does Wilson enjoy the controversy in this country?
(a) It is a war he is very passionate about.
(b) It draws attention to Afghanistan.
(c) It draws unwanted attention from Afghanistan.
(d) He is motivated by battle.

15. Why does Zia lie?
(a) Lying is relative.
(b) He will do anything to get what he wants.
(c) He is not an honest man.
(d) Islam allows lying, especially to advance a jihad.

Short Answer Questions

1. At his new post, what does Avrakotos begin doing?

2. Near the end of 1985, all objections against what cease?

3. What does Wilson learn in Egypt regarding the war effort?

4. In the beginning of 1986, who takes over in Afghanistan?

5. What does everyone in the CIA believe about Wilson and his plans in Egypt?

(see the answer keys)

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