Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Men From Mars"-"The Vermicious Knids".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who prevents Mr. Wonka from pushing the required elevator button?
(a) Grandma Georgina.
(b) Grandma Josephine.
(c) Mr. Bucket.
(d) Grandpa Joe.

2. President Gilligrass gets an idea for how to trap what type of insect?
(a) A fly.
(b) A mosquito.
(c) A praying mantis.
(d) A butterfly.

3. Mr. Wonka says that the Great Glass Elevator could link up with what type of animal if it were deemed necessary?
(a) A hippopotamus.
(b) A shark.
(c) An octopus.
(d) A crocodile.

4. Which world leader does the United States President call first?
(a) The leader of Egypt.
(b) The leader of India.
(c) The leader of Russia.
(d) The leader of China.

5. Who travels inside the ship called the Commuter Capsule?
(a) The construction crew of the Space Hotel USA.
(b) The tenants of the Space Hotel USA.
(c) The owners of the Space Hotel USA.
(d) The staff of the Space Hotel USA.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people all over the world are said to be watching the Great Glass Elevator on their televisions?

2. What action does Mr. Wonka take just before he finally emerges from his expressionless state and responds to the voice coming from the loudspeaker?

3. What color are the pupils of the creature that appears in the elevator?

4. When Charlie worries about what will happen if he and the others are caught trespassing in the Space Hotel, what does he name as a possible sentence?

5. What does Mr. Wonka NOT name among the glass elevator's qualities?

(see the answer key)

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