Charley Skedaddle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charley Skedaddle Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Charley break the law and become a wanted criminal?
(a) By riding a train.
(b) By shoplifting candy.
(c) By deserting the Union Army.
(d) By stealing eggs from the farm.

2. What does Sarie's gift to Charley mean?
(a) That she likes Jem better.
(b) That she likes Cois better.
(c) That she likes him as a boyfriend.
(d) That she likes him but only as a friend.

3. What do Granny's neighbors call people from the north, especially soldiers?
(a) Yankees.
(b) Students.
(c) Stingrays.
(d) Rebels.

4. Where does Charley get water the first day he flees?
(a) From a stream.
(b) From a farm.
(c) From a faucet.
(d) From a dead soldier's canteen.

5. How is winter different in the mountains?
(a) There is snow, which Charley has never seen before.
(b) The forest animals make the snow dirtier than in New York.
(c) There is no snow in the mountains.
(d) The snow stays clean, white and pretty.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the problem with Charley's canteen?

2. What does Granny feed Charley after they first meet?

3. Granny tells him that later he will have to do what with the little plants?

4. The Blue Ridge Mountains are what?

5. Why does Granny not like the town of Franklin?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14, when Granny says they must replace the rotten boards in the hen house to prevent an animal from getting in, what event does this foreshadow?

2. What is the Underground Railroad, and which characters were members of it?

3. Is "Charley Skedaddle" a compliment or an insult?

4. When he was in New York, how did Charley dream of acting in battle?

5. Charley pours out his story to a man on a wagon who tells him what?

6. What former runaway slave visits Granny Bent, and why?

7. Who is the mysterious stranger who visits Granny in Chapter 13?

8. What does the word emancipated mean?

9. Is Charley a deserter?

10. What could happen to Charley if he is captured by the Confederate Army?

(see the answer keys)

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