Charley Skedaddle Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charley Skedaddle Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9 through 12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Charley is captured, where is he taken?
(a) To a Union camp.
(b) To a Confederate encampment.
(c) To a prison camp.
(d) To New York.

2. What happens to Charley's drum in the fighting?
(a) It is lost in the waves.
(b) It is stepped on by a horse.
(c) It is scratched but not harmed.
(d) It is destroyed by a bullet.

3. What is the problem with Charley's canteen?
(a) It has the Union Army insignia on it.
(b) It leaks.
(c) It smells bad.
(d) It has the Confederate Army insignia on it.

4. A man rushes past Charley shouting what?
(a) That the patrols are up ahead, searching for deserters to shoot.
(b) That the war is over.
(c) That he is tired and thirsty.
(d) That the surf is up.

5. Granny points out that her husband was a carpenter who did not make what?
(a) Moonshine whiskey.
(b) Beds.
(c) Mistakes.
(d) Furniture.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jem has been promoted to what rank?

2. On the train to the regiment, what does one man suggest they do with Charley?

3. What war does Charley find himself swept into?

4. What does Granny use to heal the mountain people?

5. What two Union generals are rumored to be at the Culpepper headquarters?

(see the answer key)

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