Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What biologist recreated atmospheric conditions similar to those on Jupiter and bred bacteria and mites in the atmosphere?
(a) Dr. Sanford Siegel.
(b) Dr. Gerald Kimble.
(c) Dr. Daniel Kimgrow.
(d) Dr. Stephen Wright.

2. What is the Noah of the Sumerians called?
(a) Noah.
(b) Marduk.
(c) Gilgamesh.
(d) Ziusudra.

3. How many tons of fuel would be on von Däniken's hypothetical spaceship in Chapter 2?
(a) 80,000.
(b) 99,800.
(c) 125,000.
(d) 99,000.

4. In the ninth tablet regarding Gilgamesh, who is the friend whose loss is mourned?
(a) Orco.
(b) Anmar.
(c) Enkidu.
(d) Amnika.

5. How does time on the hypothetical spaceship of Chapter 2 pass in relation to time on earth?
(a) Faster.
(b) More slowly.
(c) Equally.
(d) Not at all.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the grandfather of all science-fiction novelists, according to von Däniken in Chapter 2?

2. Von Däniken writes in the Introduction that the age of space travel is no longer an age of what?

3. What is the title of Chapter 5?

4. The Mayans left behind them calculations to last how many years?

5. Whose story in Indian mythology is paralleled by the story of Enoch and Elijah of the Bible?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are the Egyptians' mythological gods cited by von Däniken as evidence in Chapter 6?

2. Who does von Däniken suggest were the Sumerian kings? Why?

3. What does von Däniken refer to of Ezekiel in the Bible in Chapter 4?

4. Describe the spaceship in Chapter 2.

5. What does the astronaut crew teach the savages in Chapter 2?

6. What does von Däniken suggest of the civilization on other planets in Chapter 1 in terms of their advancement?

7. Why would the crew choose the planet they would in the scenario in Chapter 2?

8. What does von Däniken write of the great Flood in Chapter 4?

9. What example of Moses is cited by Daniken as proof of his theory in Chapter 4?

10. In Chapter 1, what question does von Däniken pose? What is his theory for an answer?

(see the answer keys)

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