Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. With what does the author intend to help writers?
2. Besides emotional, what type of attention from the reader is the goal of Chapter 7?
3. Which one of the following is not an example of how to vary the names of characters to distinguish them for the reader?
4. What kind of jeopardy can a character be placed in to evoke an emotional response from the reader?
5. What will a writer discover when they take their eyes off of the main character?
Short Essay Questions
1. What technique does the author recommend when first introducing a character?
2. As explained in the Introduction, on what are the author's suggestions based?
3. What is the contract that a writer makes with a reader, and when is it introduced?
4. How can a negative character become more intriguing?
5. What are some characteristics that make characters more appealing in general?
6. What are some places that a writer can look to find the inspiration for characters?
7. What does the author mean when he writes about "raising the emotional stakes"?
8. What is an event-focused narrative and how much characterization is necessary for it?
9. How and why should a writer vary the names used in their stories?
10. What does a character who becomes more heroic convey to the reader?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Although the sources of inspiration are unlimited, analyze the following three places that a writer can find ideas for new characters.
1) Describe all of the people, places, and events in a person's life that can provide ideas for characters.
2) Explain how writers can find new characters within themselves and how those characters can be applied to fiction.
3) Describe the process for finding new characters in the story itself as well as the past experiences of existing characters.
Essay Topic 2
Analyze the differences between the "showing" and "telling" style of narration, the purposes of each, and the techniques used for them. Use the book to describe at least 2 examples of each style and what they add to the story.
Essay Topic 3
Compare and contrast the hierarchy of the three types of characters in fiction. Use the book to provide and describe examples of walk-ons, minor characters, and major characters, the main functions of each, and any similarities between them.
This section contains 870 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |