Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. When was Michael Barnsley's book SuperFractals published?
2. In fluid dynamics, what condition for viscous fluids states that at a solid boundary, the fluid will have zero velocity relative to the boundary?
3. What were used to address deep issues in theoretical physics according to the author in Chapter 8, "Images of Chaos"?
4. Where is the Scripps Research Institute headquartered?
5. In mathematics, what refers to a map that exhibits some sort of chaotic behavior?
Short Essay Questions
1. Where did Mitchell Feigenbaum meet Michael Barnsley in Chapter 8, "Images of Chaos"? What did their discussions lead to?
2. How is the Taylor-Couette flow defined?
3. Who was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? For what great work is he most well known?
4. What did Mitchell Feigenbaum determine needed to happen in Chapter 6, "Universality"? Where was he working?
5. What interests in art and culture are described of Mitchell Feigenbaum in Chapter 6, "Universality"?
6. What is the definition of a bifurcation diagram?
7. What was Harry Swinney known for in Chapter 5, "Strange Attractors"? Where did his interests lie?
8. Describe the career of Heinz-Otto Peitgen. Where is Peitgen from?
9. How is Mitchell Feigenbaum described? What was his early life like, according to the author?
10. How does the author describe the evolution of chaos in Chapter 8, "Images of Chaos"?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss Mitchell Feigenbaum's history, education and work. What are Feigenbaum constants and when were they discovered?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the lives and works of Gustav Mahler and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and analyze their influence on Mitchell Feigenbaum. What work of Goethe's is quoted in the book?
Essay Topic 3
Describe and discuss Edward Lorenz and his weather simulator at MIT. What effects did the weather simulator create? What led to the machine's breakdowns?
This section contains 793 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |