Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Oko's family feel about Esi?
(a) They do not understand her but love her.
(b) They hate her.
(c) They disapprove of her but love her.
(d) They adore her.

2. What does Esi refuse from Ali Kondey?
(a) Editorial help.
(b) A ride home.
(c) Help typing.
(d) An offer to dinner.

3. What visit did Opokuya make that is successful?
(a) To Connie.
(b) None.
(c) To the patient expecting to deliver that evening.
(d) To her mother's.

4. What does Ali tell Fusena he is thinking of doing?
(a) Moving to France.
(b) Divorcing her.
(c) Taking a second wife.
(d) Moving to England.

5. What does Esi think about marrying again?
(a) She would like to if for not other reason than for her daughter's sake.
(b) She does not want a man oppressing her all the time.
(c) She would like to if the right man comes along.
(d) She doesn't really think about it yet.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does Kubi say he is late?

2. Where does Opokuya live?

3. What kind of school does Mma. Danjuma want Ali to attend?

4. How does Kubi thing Opokuya should get to her clients?

5. What does Esi tell the man she is doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is ironic about Esi's problems with Oko?

2. What happens that pushes Esi over the edge and makes her decide to leave Oko?

3. What does Opokuya say about single women in Ghana?

4. How does Fusena end up in England with Ali?

5. What does the narrator say about Ali Kondey at the opening of this chapter.

6. Where does Ogyaanowa end up staying for the summer and then longer?

7. What is Ali's attitude towards Esi before she is divorced?

8. What does Esi say that makes Opokuya feel concern for Esi?

9. About what do Kubi and Opokuya argue most workday mornings?

10. Why is Esi angry with herself?

(see the answer keys)

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