Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Changes: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Esi say to Opokuya that makes Opokuya wonder what's wrong with Esi?
(a) That Esi is going to visit her grandmother, which she never does.
(b) That Oko is on a business trip again.
(c) That at least Opokuya finds life a little worthwhile.
(d) That Esi is goint to visit her mother, which she never does.

2. For what does the narrator say Ali Kondey is an effective advertisement?
(a) Bisberi.
(b) Musa Hideaways.
(c) Linga Hideaways.
(d) New Town.

3. What happens when Musa Musa is twelve?
(a) He goes to boarding school.
(b) He loses a goat and disappears.
(c) He breaks his back.
(d) He accidentally shoots his brother.

4. What happens two months after negotiations of the Kondeys and Al-Hassans?
(a) Ali and Fusena decide they do not want to marry.
(b) Ali and Fusena marry.
(c) Fusena agrees to wait until Ali returns before deciding about marriage.
(d) Ali signs a contract to marry Fusena when he returns.

5. What is the understanding when Ogyaanowa goes to her grandmother's house?
(a) She can return home any time.
(b) She will live there until Esi remarries.
(c) She will return home when school reopens.
(d) She will live there until her father remarries.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Opokuya say she is going to visit her mother?

2. What do both Ali and Fusena have during their initial six years of friendship?

3. Why are Esi and Opokuya still talking even though it's getting late?

4. What was a major reason Oko was first attracted to Esi?

5. What does Ali do when he hears of Esi's divorce?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Ali and Fusena meet and eventually marry?

2. What does Oko do when he receives Esi's request for a divorce?

3. Who is Opokuya and what is her relationship to Esi?

4. Where does Ogyaanowa end up staying for the summer and then longer?

5. What does the narrator say about Ali Kondey at the opening of this chapter.

6. What are each person's reasons for wanting the car this particular morning?

7. What is ironic about Esi's problems with Oko?

8. What does Esi say that makes Opokuya feel concern for Esi?

9. What is Ali's attitude towards Esi before she is divorced?

10. About what do Kubi and Opokuya argue most workday mornings?

(see the answer keys)

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