Chanel and Her World Test | Final Test - Medium

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chanel and Her World Test | Final Test - Medium

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Chanel describe as a nasal-voiced old clown?
(a) Gabrielle Dorziat.
(b) Emilienne d'Alecon.
(c) Sarah Bernhardt.
(d) Pablo Picasso.

2. Simply put, for what did Chanel become famous?
(a) Shocking the public.
(b) Her love life.
(c) Simplicity.
(d) Being different.

3. How is the shop described where Chanel was sent to work?
(a) As busy.
(b) As inviting.
(c) As elegant.
(d) As small and dingy.

4. What did Chanel do for her friend Raymond Radiguet?
(a) Paid his hospital bills.
(b) Paid for his daughter's schooling.
(c) Bought him an apartment.
(d) Hired him as an assistant designer.

5. What did Chanel style her first summer home after?
(a) The Paris Museum of Natural History.
(b) The orphanage she grew up in.
(c) Buckingham palace.
(d) Balsan's chateau.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where did Chanel gain much of her business in 1914?

2. What did Chanel do in order to have her fashions publicized?

3. What did Chanel introduce to her collections in 1932?

4. Who took it upon herself to help Chanel recover from Boy's death?

5. What did Boy's transfer away from the front lines allow him to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What role did Vogue magazine play when Chanel began mass-producing dresses?

2. According to Chanel, what made her successful in designing fashion for society?

3. What happened when Balsan found out about Chanel's relationship with Capel?

4. Describe Emilienne d'Alecon.

5. What characterized Chanel's Russian period?

6. In what way did the invention of the motor vehicle highlight the impracticalities of women's fashion?

7. Explain Chanel's brief involvement with Hollywood.

8. How did late eighteenth-century photographs of Chanel already exhibit her unique style?

9. Following her success as a hat designer, on what areas of fashion did Chanel focus her attention?

10. What effect did the First World War have on women's fashion?

(see the answer keys)

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