Chanel and Her World Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chanel and Her World Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Edmonde Charles-Roux
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Introduction.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Chanel go during her self-imposed exile following her scandalous affair?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) Spain.
(c) England.
(d) America.

2. When she was twenty years old, in which town was Chanel offered a job?
(a) Avernes.
(b) Moulins.
(c) Yzeure.
(d) Bellevue.

3. In the city where Chanel was born, for how long had women's fashion gone unchanged?
(a) For not very long.
(b) For fifty years.
(c) For decades.
(d) For a hundred years.

4. At what age did Chanel meet Etienne Balsan?
(a) Twenty-five.
(b) Twenty-seven.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Twenty-two.

5. In which region of her home country was Chanel born?
(a) Auvergne.
(b) Limousin.
(c) The Cevennes.
(d) Bergundy.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what was Etienne Balsan famous?

2. In terms of fashion, what was evolving quickly when Chanel was born?

3. What is said to have shaped the world in which Chanel spent her childhood?

4. What was Chanel's sudden return to Paris fashion described as?

5. Which of the following was not described as a popular fashion at the end of the 1800s?

(see the answer key)

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