Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Harry, Ron and Hermione find petrified when they follow the voice that Harry hears?
(a) Mrs. Norris, the cat
(b) Hagrid's dog
(c) A spider
(d) Dumbledore's bird

2. What is Harry given to eat before the Masons arrive?
(a) Leftovers
(b) Two pieces of bread and a lump of cheese
(c) A peanut butter and jelly sandwich
(d) Moldy bread and a glass of water

3. What does Professor McGonagall tell the boys they should have done instead of drive the car?
(a) Sat and waited on someone
(b) Done a magic gypsy dance
(c) Send an owl
(d) Take a cab

4. What does the letter say that is delivered after Dobby drops the pudding?
(a) That he must return to school at once.
(b) The pudding commision is going to sue him.
(c) The house elf has been stolen.
(d) That since magic came from his house, Harry is expelled from school.

5. Who does Harry and Hermione take Ron to see when he curses himself?
(a) Hagrid
(b) Dumbledore
(c) Gilderoy Lockhart
(d) Draco Malfoy

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hagrid say he is looking for in Knockturn Alley?

2. What does Professor Snape suggest Harry should be restricted from until he tells the truth about the cat?

3. What kind of elf is Dobby?

4. What attacks the car after it has crashed?

5. Why does Dobby tell Harry he has come to talk to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who do Harry, Ron, and Hermione seem to think would be a possibility for the Heir Slytherin in Chapter Nine and why?

2. Explain how Harry feels about the fortune that his parents left him that is held in Gringotts in London.

3. Describe the difference between the treatment that Harry and Dudley receive from Petunia and Vernon Dursley as outlined in Chapter One.

4. Describe the Weasley house.

5. Describe Ginny Weasley.

6. Explain why Vernon Dursley is so excited to receive the letter from the Improper Use of Magic Office after Dobby breaks Petunia's pudding dessert in Chapter Two.

7. What is confusing to Harry when he hears the voice in the hall before they find the petrified cat?

8. Explain Harry's reaction when he hears the voice in Chapter Seven while serving detention.

9. What does Professor Binns tell the students about the Chamber of Secrets?

10. Describe the reaction Vernon has when he realizes that Harry is escaping with Ron and his brothers. Do you think his reaction is odd? Why or why not.

(see the answer keys)

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