Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What lives in their attic according to Ron?
(a) A leprechaun
(b) A fairy
(c) A ghoul
(d) A psycho

2. What happens when Ron and Harry try to get to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?
(a) They get on the wrong train.
(b) They crash into the wall.
(c) They end up in a different city.
(d) They dissapear into another dimension.

3. Who sent the letter that Errol has?
(a) Hermione
(b) Dursleys
(c) Ministry of Magic
(d) Dumbledore

4. What does Ron tell Harry the definition of a Squib is?
(a) Wizarding parents but who have no powers themselves
(b) Magical powers that cannot be released
(c) Wizarding parents that refused to let them learn magic
(d) Wizarding grandparents that have been forgotten

5. What attacks the car after it has crashed?
(a) Several angry owls
(b) The tree into which it crashed
(c) A flock of birds
(d) A giant spider

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harry break when he travels by Floo powder?

2. What is the first thing the car begins to do that worries Harry and Ron?

3. What do Fred and George tell Harry about a House Elf's power?

4. What happens to Ron's wand in the crash?

5. What does Dobby say he will have to do later as punishment to himself for coming to see Harry?

Short Essay Questions

1. McGonagall finds Harry and Ron and tells them what their detention punishment will be. Harry will help Lockhart sign his fan mail and Ron will polish trophies without using magic. Are these detentions appropriate for them? Why or why not?

2. Explain how Harry feels about the fortune that his parents left him that is held in Gringotts in London.

3. Why does Harry not tell the professors about the voice he hears?

4. Explain the relationship between Collin Creevey and Harry Potter as seen in Chapter Seven.

5. In Chapter Two Harry has a dream that he is in locked in a cage. Explain how the dream explains his situation and his feelings.

6. Draco Malfoy calls Hermione a Mudblood in Chapter Seven. Given the reaction to what is said, explain the significance of the term and what its description would be.

7. In Chapter Five what does Gilderoy Lockhart say is the cause for Harry flying the car to school?

8. In Chapter One there is something worrying Harry regarding Hogwarts. What is it?

9. Explain Harry's reaction when he hears the voice in Chapter Seven while serving detention.

10. What is confusing to Harry when he hears the voice in the hall before they find the petrified cat?

(see the answer keys)

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