Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Final Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Harry destroy Tom Riddle's diary?
(a) The pheonix eats it
(b) He burns it
(c) Punctures it with a Basilisk tooth
(d) Stabs it with the sword

2. Who decides he/she would be best for stealing the needed potion ingredients out of Snape's storeroom?
(a) Draco Malfoy
(b) Harry
(c) Ron
(d) Hermione

3. Who does Harry find petrified while on his way to get his books for Transfiguration?
(a) Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick
(b) Mr. Filch
(c) Hermione
(d) Professor Snape

4. What happens to Dumbledore's pet bird while Harry is waiting on him?
(a) Lays an egg
(b) Flies out the window
(c) Bursts into flames
(d) Tells Harry's future

5. What does Harry do when Draco Malfoy produces a snake in the duel?
(a) He dances with it.
(b) He speaks to it.
(c) He casts a spell on it.
(d) He picks it up calmly.

6. Why does Tom Riddle refuse to use his father's last name?
(a) He doesn't know who his father is.
(b) His father was friendly with Dumbledore.
(c) His father abandoned him.
(d) His father was a Muggle.

7. Who has been taken into the Chamber of Secrets?
(a) Ginny Weasley
(b) Hagrid
(c) Ron Weasley
(d) Draco Malfoy

8. What does the head spider, Aragog, tell Harry about the creature that comes from the Chamber of Secrets?
(a) It is controlled by a student.
(b) It is deadly.
(c) Spiders fear it.
(d) It likes peanut butter.

9. What is it that Dumbledore says makes Harry and Lord Voldemort different?
(a) Their powers
(b) Their choices
(c) Their desires
(d) Their pasts

10. What does the phoenix, Fawkes, drop at Harry's feet in the Chamber of Secrets that amuses Tom Riddle?
(a) A book
(b) The invisibility cloak
(c) The sorting hat
(d) A mirror

11. Why does Hermione say it's bad that Harry can talk to snakes?
(a) Because they are an evil animal
(b) Because it makes you look crazy
(c) Because Salazar Slytherin could talk to them
(d) Becuse Tom Riddle could talk to them

12. What does Professor McGonagall say into the megaphone when she steps out onto the Quidditch field?
(a) Professor Dumbledore is sick.
(b) The game has been canceled.
(c) That she has made a bet on the game.
(d) That the school is closing.

13. Who enters the room before Harry leaves Dumbledore's office?
(a) Professor Lockhart and his magic trunk
(b) Lucious Malfoy and Dobby the House Elf
(c) Professor Snape and Dobby the house elf
(d) Petunia Dursley and Dudley

14. What happens when Lucius throws the diary at Dobby the House Elf?
(a) He eats it.
(b) He gets the sock and is freed.
(c) He gets the enchanted piece of paper and his powers grow.
(d) He enters the diary.

15. Why does Draco Malfoy not see the Golden Snitch when it was by his ear?
(a) He is posing for the girls.
(b) He is laughing at Harry.
(c) He is showing off for his father.
(d) He gets something in his eye.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Professor McGonagall take Harry and Ron to see?

2. What article of clothing do Ron and Harry take from Crabbe and Goyle?

3. What is in the newspaper article that Draco's father sends him?

4. Who are the two professors that are teaching the Dueling Club?

5. What happens when Harry puts on the sorting hat and begs for help?

(see the answer keys)

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